
General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Hopewell Council of Churches - Virtual Lent Soup Suppers & Worship

Click here for more information and the preaching schedule.

The Hopewell Council of Churches will continue its tradition of hosting Wednesday evening Soup Suppers and Worship during the season of Lent.  This year the theme is Unity. We will meet virtually from 6:30-7:30pm via this link The link will be the same each week.  During the 6:30-7:00pm time slot, we will gather and fellowship.  Each week various churches will share our favorite soup recipes.  Then, attendees will be invited to share their soup together during this time.  The more traditional worship will begin at 7:00-7:30pm.


February 17th (Ash Wednesday) Preacher: Pastor Dennis O’Neill Unity in Ashes

February 24th Preacher: Pastor Laura Steele Unity in Christ

March 3rd Preacher: Pastor Melissa Martin Unity in Service

March 10th Preacher: Father Mike Walsh Unity in Prayer

March 17th Preacher: Pastor Greg Smith Unity in Hope

March 24th Preacher: Ben Kreider Unity . . .

The Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 6:00 AM at Highland Cemetery.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Help with Transportation to COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

Learn about the Deacons plan to help with transportation and helpful information about scheduling an appointment.

We recognize there's been frustration with scheduling vaccine appointments due to limited supply. However, in the coming weeks, we expect more people to be scheduled to receive their vaccines as supplies are replenished. The Deacons would like to help with rides to these appointments for those who could use some assistance. Likewise, the Deacons are looking for volunteers who may be able to provide these rides. Anne Hayton and Laura Morreale will be coordinating this effort. Please contact either Anne or Laura (contact information below) if you need help with transportation to a vaccine appointment, or can assist with this effort - Thank-You!

Anne Hayton (609) 466-0543 or

Laura Morreale (609) 462-4590 or

Click here for information on how to schedule the vaccine.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Lenten Book Study

Consider joining for a book discussion on Tuesdays at 5pm.

As we enter into the season of Lent, many of us are accustomed to taking on the spiritual practice of “fasting,” but what are the origins of this and other spiritual practices? How are they connected to what Jesus would do? If you are curious, Nurture and Growth invites you to get your paws on a copy of Streams of Living Water by Richard J. Foster. Then consider joining for a book discussion on Tuesdays at 5pm. Email Laurie B. for a ZOOM link!

Reading Schedule:

February 23 Foreword, Introduction and Chapter One (pp. xi-xvi, pp 1-22)

March 2 Chapter 2 (pp. 23-58)

March 9 Chapter 3 (pp. 59-96)

March 16 Chapter 4 (pp. 97-133)

March 23 Chapter 5 (pp. 134-183)

March 30 Chapter 6 (pp. 185-233)

April 6 Chapter 7 (pp. 235-274)

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Virtual Gospel Music Concert

Saturday, February 20th! An event you won’t want to miss!

A Virtual Gospel Music Concert will be held on Saturday, February 20th (Replacing the Gospel Brunch): All proceeds from this event will support the construction of a Sourland Education & Exhibit Center for the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum and the Sourland Conservancy. Click here for details.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Hopewell Arts Council Spire

Supporting the work of Homefront and the Hopewell Valley Arts Council, we purchased an Art Spire.

In December 2020, Engaging in Justice and Service (EJS) purchased an ArtSpire, part of the Hopewell Valley Arts Council’s community project, Out of the Ashes: Art Emerging from Fallen Trees. ArtSpires are created from ash trees that have been decimated by the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive species. The Earth’s ecosystems are a fragile thing, intricately designed by God to work in harmony. When there is a shift in this delicate balance all creatures of the Earth feel the effects. The ArtSpire project seeks to draw attention to this as well as other issues near to the hearts of the artists who made them.

The particular artspire that EJS purchased was created by Homefront's ArtSpace Artists' Group,  with proceeds used to support the work of Homefront. The artists noted “Our spire visually represents our core values that build the framework for family success: a safe and secure home, basic necessities, love, nurturing, education and life skill tools.” Hopewell Presbyterian has also supported Homefront through its Mission Giving budget, stewarded by the Deacons.

The feedback that we received from a recent HPC survey helped us discern where God is calling us to engage social issues, specifically it pointed us toward the work of creation care and aiding those experiencing poverty. The purchase of the Homefront ArtSpire allows us to answer that call. Keep an eye out for this ArtSpire to be displayed on the church property this spring. In the meantime take a look at the photos below. 

- Molly Peterson
Ruling Elder


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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Hiring a Director of Youth Outreach

Learn more how the survey in December helped shape our efforts to add to our staff!

This is a word cloud generated from your answers to Question 3

This is a word cloud generated from your answers to Question 3

In early December, the Personnel Committee sent a congregational survey concerning thoughts about the priorities and responsibilities for a new member of the staff.  Thanks to the 28 responses we received, we can present a summary of findings.  They indicate the importance placed on following key priorities:

  • Focus on the nurturing of our youth and the youth of our community 

  • Bring experience in designing and delivering youth ministry programs

  • The ministries who can most benefit from this position are Nurture and Growth and ESJ 

  • Desired skills included:  Listening, good communicator, tech savvy ability to collaborate, inclusive, a connector, understands community

  • Desired talents:  Warm, creative, organized, patience, kind, humor, approachable, compassionate, openness, innovative, acceptance, open-minded, commitment to reaching out

  • Community is everywhere - our church, our borough, our Council of Churches, our respective hometowns and beyond

Our work ahead is strengthened by your thoughts and reflections.  From them, we begin to envision a position that is rooted in the love of God, blessed with listening ears and communication skills benefiting from both technology and compassion, with the ability to shine a light on a deeper sense of community rooted in youth but extending to the needs of many.  May it be so.  

Click here to see the job description. Please feel free to share!

Pastor Melissa is sorting through potential candidates and will work with the Personnel Committee on discerning the right addition to Hopewell Presbyterian staff for the time ahead. 

- Jamie Sapoch
Personnel Committee

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Lenten Art Meditations

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17th, we once again begin our journey through the wilderness as we prepare ourselves for the joy of Easter morning. To help each other on this journey, we invite you to participate in our Lenten Art Meditations which will be sent out daily by email.

Lent this year will be different for us, yet it remains the same journey to Easter. In the past it has been a time of Lenten book studies, soup suppers, and Wednesday night Hopewell council of Churches services with our fellow Christians.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17th, we once again begin our journey through the wilderness as we prepare ourselves for the joy of Easter morning. To help each other on this journey, we invite you to participate in our Lenten Art Meditations which will be sent out daily by email.

How will this work? We have two suggestions:

  • If there is there a piece of art: painting, drawing, music or other medium that speaks to you of the Lenten season, we would like you to share it with your church family or

  • Alternatively, create your own Lenten art (in any medium) to share.

Whatever you send, include the reason why this has Lenten significance for you.

We look forward to your contributions which should be sent to Lucy Ducko; by Monday, February 8th.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Sanctuary Task force

Meet our new Sanctuary Task force and take a survey to share your thoughts about the sanctuary with them!

As we seek to be good stewards of the bequest that we received from Alex and Eunice Sharipen, the Bequest Task force has convened another group to take a look at the needs of the HPC Sanctuary. That task force is chaired by Michael Mills and currently includes Ken Fredeen, Sandy Sherrard, Doug Peterson, and Katie Tonkin. The goal was to have voices connected to the Making Connections Campaign, the ministries of Facilities & Finance and Worship & Stewardship, as well as those who will help us look toward the congregation of the future.


Message from Doug Peterson

In December, at the recommendation of the Sharipen Bequest Task Force, and the approval of Session, a small group was called to form the Sanctuary Task Force. Michael Mills, Sandy Sherard, Katie Tonkin, Ken Fredeen, and I were charged with addressing the needs of the sanctuary in their fullness.

It was clear to me that I was asked to join this task force as a representative for the younger demographic. I agreed because I know the importance of envisioning what the church will look like decades down the line.

From the task force: We are beginning with a visioning process that will include a congregational survey. Your input is greatly needed as we consider everything from sight lines, to sound quality, to function and much more.  This survey is to asses the sanctuary as it currently stands and get your written feedback to help us look toward future options.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Update from Outreach Ministry

HPC’s outreach ministry “Engaging in Justice & Service” wants to thank you for taking the survey two months ago and reports on how it is helping them move forward.

The Engaging in Justice and Service (EJS) ministry would like to thank the congregation for the valuable input provided on the HPC Personnel Survey distributed in the late fall. One survey question related specifically to our ministry -- “The Engaging in Justice and Service (EJS) ministry would appreciate learning which of the following you feel our congregation is called to pursue more deeply (through education, communication, and service opportunities) as followers of Jesus.  Please select your top three choices (from the eight areas listed).”

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 4.44.03 PM.png

In our December meeting our ministry members engaged in fruitful conversations as we reviewed, reflected upon and discerned interpretation of the results. Poverty and Creation & Climate Care were two areas that received the highest rankings. We are committed to having your input reflected in current and future opportunities stewarded by this ministry. The recent acquisition of an ArtSpire is one example. 

For a little background, ArtSpires was a community art project and exhibition sponsored by the Hopewell Valley Arts Council this fall to commemorate the loss of native ash trees from the harmful effects of the emerald ash borer beetle. ArtSpires were milled from American ash wood felled by Hopewell Township and transformed into art.As well as supporting the local art community, our ArtSpire acquisition aligns beautifully with both Creation Care & Climate and also with Poverty (which includes housing and hunger) as the ArtSpire we chose to bid on was created by HOMEFRONT. Look to be inspired by this beautiful work of art which will arrive on our church grounds in the spring. 

Working to hear God’s call to mission in Micah 6:8 and Matthew 25, we continue to see a local, national and global need for justice, peace and unity is clearly communicated by this congregation and embraced by this ministry. In order to put thoughts and feelings into action we are building upon earlier efforts made in the fall that included an Examining Racism workshop and an Election Day Pause for Prayer vigil. This month EJS is helping to facilitate a 21-Day Racial Awareness Challenge. Details for this challenge can be located on the church website. If you missed the kick-off date of January 11th, please know that you are welcome to join at any time. The first Zoom conversation will take place on Monday, January 18th at 7:00 pm.    

This ministry has also heard a strong desire within our congregation for greater action. We wholeheartedly embrace this desire and are looking to expand opportunities for service in partnership with the Deacons. 

Your feedback is clearly helping to shape the work of this ministry. Thank you!

Joanne Tonkin
Chair of Engaging in Justice and Service

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Lucy Ducko Lucy Ducko

Poinsettias Christmas 2020

Poinsettias are used to decorate the sanctuary for the fourth Sunday of Advent. All were invited purchase a poinsettia in memory or in honor a loved one. During the days leading up to Christmas Eve, Pastor Melissa will deliver some of these Poinsettias to the near neighbors of HPC along with a card letting them know about the Christmas Eve Services.

Poinsettias are given to the glory of God in loving memory of:

The Rev. Allen Tinkham by The Bleickardt Family
Florence Brown, sister, William (Bud) Winterbottom & Susan Dilks by Harriet Aldinger
Lawrence W. Cook by Suzanne R. Cook
Shirley R. Nester, sister, by Suzanne R. Cook
Peg Paul by Tom Fillebrown
Winnie Fillebrown and grandson, Michael, by Tom Fillebrown
Alice & Bill Franz by The Franz Family
Donald Woolley by The Franz Family
Caroline Wilkes by The Franz Family
Our Parents by Anne & Bob Hayton
Sheila & Emmerson Bowes by Anne & Bob Hayton
Parents & Grandparents by the Stephan, Lewis & Dendis Families
Raymond & Timmy VanArsdale by Virginia Lewis
Robert B. & Martha S. Lewis by Virginia Lewis
Frank & Eva Mazzella by Virginia Lewis
The Lewis Family—Robert Jr., Warren & Joan by Virginia Lewis
Betty Wold Johnson by a friend
Our Parents by Doug & Carlana Sargent
The Tonkin and Dziura Families by Roy & Joanne Tonkin
All who lost their lives to COVID related illnesses this year by Roy & Joanne Tonkin Ed Treible by Nancy, Heidi, Holly & Family
Dick Evans by Nancy, Heidi, Holly & Family
Edwin & Anne Treible by Nancy, Heidi, Holly & Family
Henry & Rhoda Evans by Nancy, Heidi, Holly & Family
Betsy Walton by The Yingling Family

Poinsettias are given to the glory of God in honor of:

Grandchildren—Alexander, Brianne, Warren, Nolan, Blair and Ashton by Suzanne R. Cook
Peggy, James & Bobby by Sandy Ogg
Our children, Amy & Alex, and their families by Doug & Carlana Sargent
Our beautiful children & grandchildren by Roy & Joanne Tonkin
All essential workers by Roy & Joanne Tonkin

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Lucy Ducko Lucy Ducko

Thank you from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Hopewell Presbyterian Church received the following correspondence from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) in gratitude for the gift we made as a part of our tithe from the Sharipen Bequest. PDA enables congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events.

Dear Friends,

In this season of the year’s ending, we begin with thanksgiving and end with a heartfelt “Gloria” as the Christ is born among us, once again; affirmations I share as I writethisnote ofthanks for your generous gift to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, a gift that makes the glory ofGod shine a bit more brightly in the midst of the darkness of the world’s bad news. This year, the Advent season dawned on a world still immersed in the grinding reality of the COVID-19 pandemic; reeling from the aftermath of the worst hurricane season on. record, andcatastrophicfires throughout the U.S. West; people from Africa and Asia through the Americas facing growing food insecurity made worse by the pandemic, and still rising tide of refugees fleeing violence or disaster, and hoping for respite and welcome. During this hard but still holy season when we celebrate Emmanuel, the reality of God-with-us; we are grateful to you, whose extraordinary generosity is a gift not only to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, but to hundreds of communities and thousands of people who, in the midst of catastrophe, need to see a glimpse of the Holy and feel the touch ofLove.

We are people of faith, not of fear. And in this Christmas season and all seasons, it is not fear that motivates us: but rather, the story of how God, once long ago, visited us; choosing to cloak God’s infinite power in weakness and vulnerability; placing holiness in human form, coming among us as the least of the least. In this tory, we who seek the Child do not turn away, we make room in the Inn, we listen to the angels words: do not be afraid.

Your gift of $300,000 on 11/19/2020 for Disaster Relief USA Disaster & Emergencies extends welcome to those who have been crushed by disaster or the ravages of violence. Your generosity offers balm to those who weep aster lives are upended by catastrophe. Your attention to the forgotten ones makes room at the inn for those who have lost shelter or fled in fear other lives. Once, omg ago, the angel visited ordinary people with hope and a vision of a future where God’s care and compassion would bring peace to all people. We thank you for being tangible expression of the angel’s blessing, laying your treasure before those vulnerable ones through whose eyes the Child Christ now looks upon our hurting, yet hopeful word.

With peace,

The Rev. Dr. Laurie A Kraus
Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

In addition to this print letter, Dr. Kraus included a hand written card directed to the Sharipen Bequest Taskforce and extending her excitement to continue building strengthening the relationship between HPC and PDF.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Christmas Eve

Celebrating the greatest gift ever given, join us on Christmas Eve for a “Journey of Joy!” There are three ways you can join us for this virtual journey this year. Click to learn more…

This Christmas Eve we will hear from many of the characters in the Christmas story--not least of which are the "Friendly Beasts!" Listen as the Hopewell Presbyterian Chancel Choir tells their stories.

"When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us journey to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.”
— Luke 2:15 —

Here are three ways in which Hopewell Presbyterian Church is embarking on this “Journey of Joy” to Bethlehem with the characters of the Christmas story…

  • 5pm ZOOM: Because of weather forecast the outdoor Journey of Joy is moving to ZOOM. We will host a 45 minute carol sing and live viewing of the prerecorded "journey" led by Pastor Melissa and Charlie. All are welcome! To join, click the button below or call (929)-436-2866 and enter meeting ID number: 818 6872 4558

  • 8pm Facebook Premiere: At 8pm, the service will premiere on Facebook. Feel free to join the community there and interact with one another with clicks and comments. Click here for our Facebook.

  • Any time today on Youtube: Unable to fit one of these two virtual gatherings into your Christmas Eve plans? The prerecorded service is available on Youtube. Click here to watch. (If you plan to join for another gathering, don't click and spoil the surprise!)

All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Introducing HPC’s Gratitude Garden!

Thanks to the hard work of many of our youth, community members are invited to stop by the church to participate in our Gratitude Garden starting this Saturday. There will be bowls containing slips of paper, string, and ornaments by the Welcome Center door. Participants are invited to bring their own writing utensils to write what they're grateful for on a slip of paper, place the note inside an ornament, then tie it to a branch on one of the designated trees on campus. As Thanksgiving approaches, this is an opportunity to reflect on God's many gifts in our lives and the world.

Contact Student Pastor Katie at with any questions or concerns.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

An Appeal for Clemency

Dear Friends,

Amy Locane worshipped with us during the past 5 years and has found much strength in the love and support of the congregation during this time. She continues to need our help and we're asking you to consider supporting her as described herein.  

Ten years ago, Amy tragically killed a woman in a car accident while driving under the influence. She was tried, found guilty and given a three year sentence which she served at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility in Clinton NJ. Upon her release, Amy had to find a way to exist in her world. During the five years that ensued Amy maintained her sobriety, rebuilt a relationship with her children, started working toward a college degree, gave substance prevention presentations to high school students, and volunteered in other ways to help prevent further tragedies.

Yet despite her rehabilitation, an appeals court determined that the first judge did not sentence Amy properly and has sentenced her to an additional five years in prison. Now, 10 years later and five years after having completed her sentence and parole Amy has been reincarcerated at Edna Mahan for an additional five years. Amy and her children have fallen victims to a judicial irregularity that does not look at the evidence or the wellbeing of the families. Amy paid a huge price for her tragic decision to drive that day. Now she is paying a price for the system's failure to focus on restorative justice.

You can help in two ways if you agree. Add your name to this letter to Governor Murphy asking him to commute Amy's sentence. You can do so at live worship or by stopping by the welcome center at your convenience. Amy’s supporters will be setting up a GofundMe page as well to help cover legal costs to bring this matter to the federal courts. Finally, please pray for Amy and her daughters. You may write to Amy  if you would like to support her personally as well. Her contact info is on the prayer list. She has been buoyed by letters and emails from the church.  

Barb Pauley
Ruling Elder

Amy Locane’s address to send cards and notes.

Amy Locane #637627C
Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women
P.O. Box 4004
30 County Route 513  
Clinton, New Jersey 08809

Amy can also receive email through

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Womanspace - Communities of Light

Learn more about Communities of Light in Hopewell on December 7th.

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Womanspace is an important local organization in Lawrenceville, serving families facing domestic and sexual violence through their crisis hotlines, emergency shelters, counseling, court advocacy, and other work. HPC has continued to support Womanspace throughout the pandemic and has donated a total of $2000 to their vital mission in this particular time of need.

This holiday season, we invite you to help Womanspace raise awareness with a symbol of hope for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse in Mercer County. On Monday December 7th, candles will be lit on streets across central New Jersey for Womanspace’s 19th Annual Communities of Light. Hopewell Presbyterian will be contributing to this powerful glow by surrounding our own church with candles from luminary kits purchased by the deacons. We will also be gathering over ZOOM on the 7th at 7PM. We will be joined by Susan Victor, Womenspace Chaplain, who will share more about Womenspace’s work.

In order to light up as much of Hopewell and the greater community as possible in support of Womanspace’s pertinent work, we ask you to consider purchasing luminary kits for your own home. Below are some of the retail locations at which these kits are available for purchase: 

  • Dandelion Wishes (45 West Broad St., Hopewell NJ 08525)

  • Pennington Quality Market (25 Route 31 South, Suite X, Pennington, NJ 08534)

  • Terhune Orchards (330 Cold Soil Road, Princeton, NJ 08540)

  • McCaffrey’s Princeton (301 N. Harrison St., Princeton, NJ 08540)

Let’s help Womanspace spread the message that Peace Begins at Home!

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Family Promise Angel Tree

Family Promise is still very active and assisting those in need throughout Hunterdon County. So once again we will have names and gift ideas for the annual Angel Gift Tree. Sign up here.

After purchasing your gift(s), please return them wrapped up and very CLEARLY LABELED with THEIR NAME and NUMBER to the conference room near the church office. Suggested cost per person; around $50/60, please do not exceed $70 so that no one individual receives a disproportionate gift. All gifts MUST be in the MAIN OFFICE no later than noon on Saturday afternoon, DECEMBER 12th. Any questions speak with at Dick or Linda Scheetz or 609-737-2310.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Join the Ruth Circle

The Ruth Circle invites you to join them monthly on Thursday at 2:00 PM to connect, support and pray with each other, and study God’s word with the guidance of the book Through the Year with Jimmy Carter – 366 Meditations from the 39th President.  The group will meet both in Fellowship Hall and virtually.  You can choose to meet whichever way you feel most comfortable.  Contact Carlana Sargent for more information.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Friends for Health in Haiti

Kingston Presbyterian Church has extended an invitation to the annual Luncheon, this year by Zoom, with Dr. Katie Wolf of our longtime Mission partner, Friends for Health in Haiti. On Saturday, November 14, at 11:00 AM.  Click here for more details.   We also received the very distressing news that this week Dr. Wolf's medical clinic was broken into and vandalized, For more details.  In response, HPC's Deacons voted on Wednesday night to make an additional donation of $2,000 to cover the cost of the stolen medication.

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