Thank you from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Hopewell Presbyterian Church received the following correspondence from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) in gratitude for the gift we made as a part of our tithe from the Sharipen Bequest. PDA enables congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events.
Dear Friends,
In this season of the year’s ending, we begin with thanksgiving and end with a heartfelt “Gloria” as the Christ is born among us, once again; affirmations I share as I writethisnote ofthanks for your generous gift to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, a gift that makes the glory ofGod shine a bit more brightly in the midst of the darkness of the world’s bad news. This year, the Advent season dawned on a world still immersed in the grinding reality of the COVID-19 pandemic; reeling from the aftermath of the worst hurricane season on. record, andcatastrophicfires throughout the U.S. West; people from Africa and Asia through the Americas facing growing food insecurity made worse by the pandemic, and still rising tide of refugees fleeing violence or disaster, and hoping for respite and welcome. During this hard but still holy season when we celebrate Emmanuel, the reality of God-with-us; we are grateful to you, whose extraordinary generosity is a gift not only to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, but to hundreds of communities and thousands of people who, in the midst of catastrophe, need to see a glimpse of the Holy and feel the touch ofLove.
We are people of faith, not of fear. And in this Christmas season and all seasons, it is not fear that motivates us: but rather, the story of how God, once long ago, visited us; choosing to cloak God’s infinite power in weakness and vulnerability; placing holiness in human form, coming among us as the least of the least. In this tory, we who seek the Child do not turn away, we make room in the Inn, we listen to the angels words: do not be afraid.
Your gift of $300,000 on 11/19/2020 for Disaster Relief USA Disaster & Emergencies extends welcome to those who have been crushed by disaster or the ravages of violence. Your generosity offers balm to those who weep aster lives are upended by catastrophe. Your attention to the forgotten ones makes room at the inn for those who have lost shelter or fled in fear other lives. Once, omg ago, the angel visited ordinary people with hope and a vision of a future where God’s care and compassion would bring peace to all people. We thank you for being tangible expression of the angel’s blessing, laying your treasure before those vulnerable ones through whose eyes the Child Christ now looks upon our hurting, yet hopeful word.
With peace,
The Rev. Dr. Laurie A Kraus
Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
In addition to this print letter, Dr. Kraus included a hand written card directed to the Sharipen Bequest Taskforce and extending her excitement to continue building strengthening the relationship between HPC and PDF.