The financial gifts of this congregation are used to grow new ministry & mission.
Where our giving goes…
Gifts given to Hopewell Presbyterian Church not only support the mission articulated through our general operating budget; Hopewell Presbyterian Church is also committed to supporting God’s mission in our community. Click here to see a chart describing that commitment. Explore the avenues below to learn more about our current commitments and how you can add your voice to our process of decision making.
Mission Giving
Hopewell Presbyterian Church has a rich history of supporting a variety of mission partners by tithing 11% of all of our income to our Mission Budget. In the past we have given to organizations like TASK, The Chubby’s Project, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Friends for Health in Haiti, and many more.
Creating New Ministry through HPC
Through the generous gift of Alex and Eunice Sharipen, Hopewell Presbyterian Church has set up an endowment. Each year the interest from this endowment will be used to provide grants that spark new ministry and mission through Hopewell Presbyterian Church.
Benevolence & Special Needs Support
In addition to the responsibilities of visitation and care, the Hopewell Presbyterian Church Deacons lead the congregation in serving our community by confidentially addressing requests from local individuals and families for financial support.