Sunday Classes
After the Sunday service, from 12:15-1:00, folks of all ages gather for “Lunch and Learn.” Youth and adults join in a time of intergenerational education called Worship & Wonder, and nursery care and children’s Worship & Wonder are available for infants and children. Lunch will be provided.
Ages 0-3
To allow parents to join us for education, we are providing nursery during our education hour from 12:15pm-1pm. The nursery can be found at the end of the hallway in our education wing.
Ages 4-11
Meeting in the Godly Playroom, we will engage in the worship theme for the week through games, crafts, activities, and service projects led by Emma Marshall.
Ages 12-101
Together we will meet in Fellowship Hall to learn about a variety of topics connected to our faith and life as a community. Engaging a wide span of ages, this educational opportunity will encourage creativity and dialogue.
This fall, the sermons will be focused on “Peace.” Our lunch and learn discussion will unpack the sermon and dive deeper into the theme of “Peace.”
Spring Lunch & Learn Dates:
February 2 & 23
March 23 & 30
May 4
Decorating Christmas Cookies
Join us for Worship & Wonder, our Advent Series for all ages. We will be decorating Christmas cookies to share with friends and family and reflecting on God moving into our neighborhood with Jesus.
Assembling Hygiene Supplies for TASK (Trenton Area Soup Kitchen)
Join us for Worship & Wonder, our Advent series for all ages. Please join us in an Advent service project for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, TASK, by assembling much-needed hygiene supplies to be distributed by TASK to their patrons. Throughout the year, TASK provides a wide range of support to those without housing or other means. These services include hot, nutritious meals in a welcoming environment, to-go meals, and many other living essentials such as clothing and hygiene items. HPC has a long history of supporting TASK in these efforts, including meal service volunteers, afterschool tutors, clothing and hygiene supplies, and a strong commitment to annual financial support. TASK currently needs a replenished supply of hygiene items. Our plan: to gather the supplies listed below and assemble hygiene bags after fellowship time on Sunday, Dec. 11th. We will have gallon-size Ziploc bags available for this purpose.
Please consider donating the following items* in the coming days leading up to Dec. 11th. There will be two dark blue bins, marked “TASK”, located in the office entrance foyer for this purpose. *Standard size of shampoo or body wash (~12-15 oz), Bar soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorants, Disposal razors
If you can provide several of a selected item, together we will combine these into the needed hygiene bags. Please contact Anne Hayton with any questions. Thank-you!
Christmas Ornament Making
Join us for Worship & Wonder, our Advent series for all ages. This week we will be making Christmas ornaments and reflecting on ways to simplify the often hectic holiday season.
Advent Wreath Making
Join us for Worship & Wonder, our Advent Series for all ages. This week we will be making Advent Wreaths and reflecting on Advent as a season of worship.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: More Chairs at the Table
A conversation about where we go from here.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: Biblical Foundations: Queer Characters in the Bible
Rev. Dr. Lindsey Jodrey, a New Testament scholar who works at Princeton Theological Seminary, will discuss queer characters in the Biblical text and what they might teach us today.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: Biblical Foundations: The Clobber Passages
Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto, Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, will explore the Biblical texts that historically have been used to justify prejudice against queer people.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: Biblical Interpretation Around Gender & Sexuality
Rev. William Stell, a Ph.D. candidate in Religion at Princeton University, will walk us through a history of Biblical interpretation as it pertains to LGBTQ+ identities.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: Sharing Our Stories
A panel discussion to explore the experiences of queer folks and others in the church.
Gender, Sexuality, & Faith: Setting the Table
A come-as-you-are, non-judgmental space for introductory conversation and education about queer identities, faith, and the life of the church.

Creation Care & Faith: Intergenerational Service Opportunity
Join us for a time of intergenerational service that helps us act upon what we learned about “Creation Care & Faith.”
Details TBA

Creation Care & Faith
Dr. Nate Stucky, Professor and Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary, will be leading us in exploring the intersection of Faith and Creation Care.
Below is a brief Bio. from Dr. Stucky:
Nathan “Nate” Stucky serves as Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary. He grew up on a farm in Kansas where his love for Christian faith and agriculture first took root. After earning a BA in Music from Bethel College (KS), Stucky spent six years doing ecumenical youth ministry on the eastern shore of Maryland, and two years farming back in Kansas. After farming, Stucky earned an MDiv and a PhD (Practical Theology, Christian Education and Formation) from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarship explores the integration of theological education with questions of justice, ecology, and rest, and he sees the Farminary as a locus for enacting that integration. Ordained in the Mennonite Church (USA), Stucky engages Farminary work as integral to his calling to teaching ministry. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with his wife and three children.

Creation Care & the Bible
Student Pastor Ryan will be leading us in a class exploring what the Bible has to tell us about how we as a faith community may think about and care for the gift of God’s creation.

Poverty & Faith: Intergenerational Service Opportunity
Join us for a time of intergenerational service that helps us act upon what we learned about “Poverty & Faith.”
Details TBA

Poverty & Faith: A Discussion
Over the last two Sundays in Worship & Wonder, we have heard from experts on the topic of "Poverty & Faith." This Sunday it's time to bring your questions, thoughts, and concerns to the table as we have a round table discussion about “Poverty & Faith.”

Poverty & the Bible
Leslie Virnelson, Ph.D. candidate at Princeton Theological Seminary, will help us tackle tough questions such as, “What does the Bible say about poverty?", "What obligations do faith communities have to care for folks in poverty?", and "Who is likely to be affected by poverty according to the Bible and our modern context?". Together we will explore what the Bible has to teach us about poverty and how we as a faith community respond to it.
Below is a short Bio on Leslie Virnelson:
Leslie Virnelson is a fifth-year Ph.D. student at Princeton Theological Seminary in Biblical Studies. Her work focuses on specialized roles for women in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, specifically as midwives, sex workers, diviners, and weavers. She attends Trinity Episcopal Church Princeton and enjoys hiking in her free time.

Poverty & Faith
Julia Badulescu, Director of the Food Pantry for Rise, will be sharing her expertise on matters of Poverty & Faith. She will discuss the mission of Rise in Central NJ, her role as the Pantry Director, how Rise discerns the needs of the communities they serve, and how communities of faith like HPC can best partner with organizations who helping those experiencing poverty.

Intergenerational Service Activity supporting Mental Health
From 11:45-12:30 in Fellowship Hall we will continue our February Worship & Wonder series on Mental Health. This week we will be engaging in a time of intergenerational learning for all ages featuring music, hands-on activities meant to help us think about Mental Health and Faith, an opportunity to help with a service project for Trenton Psychiatric, and the option to take a Mental Health Self-Assessment. Join us after worship from 11:45-12:30 for a time of learning, fun, and fellowship!

Reflections on Mental Health & Faith
This Sunday we will reflect on the two presentations from MP Cartledge and Rev. Miriam Diephouse-McMillian on Mental Health & Faith. This is a great opportunity to ask hard questions, voice any concerns you still have, and dive deeper into the topic of Mental & Faith together as a faith community.

FAITHfully Caring for Mental Health
Rev. Miriam Diephouse-McMillian, a chaplain at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, will lead a class on how our faith can help us care for our own mental health as well as responsibly care for the mental health of our neighbors.

Mental Health & the Bible
This class will be led by MP Cartledge II. See his bio. below:
Michael Paul Cartledge II is a Ph.D. candidate in practical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and an adjunct instructor at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He holds an MDiv/MA from Princeton Seminary and a BA in communication and media studies from Stetson University. His doctoral research uses qualitative methods to explore faith formation amid the challenge of depression. He established The Theology and Neurodiversity Project (www.theologyandneurodiversity.com), an online resource that grew out of a graduate course he taught at Princeton Seminary. He is currently leading a grant project, funded by the Fuller Youth Institute and housed at Princeton Seminary’s Institute for Youth Ministry, to create Christian education curriculum with and for neurodivergent young people. He is also the Research Fellow and Communications Director at Scala Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Princeton, New Jersey.

Child Protection Policy at HPC
Deborah Jodrey will offer an introduction to this new policy as we work together to keep our whole church family safe. While everyone is strongly encouraged to come, we are also asking all those who volunteer with children and youth to attend.

Giving/tithing: spiritual practice that supports fullness of life, or obligation
Rev. Dr. Rose Eileen Niles our Ministry Relations Officer from the Presbyterian Foundation will help us explore the role individual giving can play in our lives.
Website Link: presbyterianfoundation.org

What is Prophecy? (Part 2)
Dr. Dennis Olson, renowned Professor of Old Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, has produced two presentations for us discussing the nature and relevance of Old Testament Prophecy for the life of the Church. Together, in this Wisdom & Wonder class, we will use these presentations to guide our conversation on "What is Prophecy?" This class will be held in a hybrid format, so whether you are in person or joining us virtually, all can participate.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82767147204?pwd=SjdmaVpkVUw1dEVQVThsME5GWjlRZz09

What is Prophecy? (Part 1)
Dr. Dennis Olson, renowned Professor of Old Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, has produced two presentations for us discussing the nature and relevance of Old Testament Prophecy for the life of the Church. Together, in this Wisdom & Wonder class, we will use these presentations to guide our conversation on "What is Prophecy?" This class will be held in a hybrid format, so whether you are in person or joining us virtually, all can participate.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82767147204?pwd=SjdmaVpkVUw1dEVQVThsME5GWjlRZz09

Enneagram: What's Your Enneagram?
Have you heard of the Enneagram but aren’t sure what it is? Do you ever find yourself wanting to understand yourself better, or maybe wanting to relate better to that neighbor that you never quite clicked with? Have you heard Pastor Melissa or other church people talking about the Enneagram and wished you could join in the conversation?
Consider joining this Wisdom & Wonder class series on the Enneagram, as we explore how this tool can be used to help us understand the unique ways in which God has made us and our neighbor, and how this can help us develop stronger community in the life of our church.
Having spent the past three weeks delving deeply into the nature of all 9 Enneagram numbers we invite you to discover and discuss your own Enneagram numbers.

Enneagram: The Head Triad (5’s, 6’s, and 7’s)
Have you heard of the Enneagram but aren’t sure what it is? Do you ever find yourself wanting to understand yourself better, or maybe wanting to relate better to that neighbor that you never quite clicked with? Have you heard Pastor Melissa or other church people talking about the Enneagram and wished you could join in the conversation?
Consider joining this Wisdom & Wonder class series on the Enneagram, as we explore how this tool can be used to help us understand the unique ways in which God has made us and our neighbor, and how this can help us develop stronger community in the life of our church.
During this Sunday’s class, we will be discussing the third group in the Enneagram, the Head Triad (5’s, 6’s, and 7’s).

Enneagram: The Heart Triad (2’s, 3’s, and 4’s)
Have you heard of the Enneagram but aren’t sure what it is? Do you ever find yourself wanting to understand yourself better, or maybe wanting to relate better to that neighbor that you never quite clicked with? Have you heard Pastor Melissa or other church people talking about the Enneagram and wished you could join in the conversation?
Consider joining this Wisdom & Wonder class series on the Enneagram, as we explore how this tool can be used to help us understand the unique ways in which God has made us and our neighbor, and how this can help us develop stronger community in the life of our church.
During this Sunday’s class, we will be discussing the second group in the Enneagram, the Gut Triad (2’s, 3’s, and 4’s).

Enneagram: The Gut Triad (8’s, 9’s, and 1’s)
Have you heard of the Enneagram but aren’t sure what it is? Do you ever find yourself wanting to understand yourself better, or maybe wanting to relate better to that neighbor that you never quite clicked with? Have you heard Pastor Melissa or other church people talking about the Enneagram and wished you could join in the conversation?
Consider joining this Wisdom & Wonder class series on the Enneagram, as we explore how this tool can be used to help us understand the unique ways in which God has made us and our neighbor, and how this can help us develop stronger community in the life of our church.
During this Sunday’s class, we will be discussing the first group in the Enneagram, the Gut Triad (8’s, 9’s, and 1’s).

Introduction to the Enneagram
Have you heard of the Enneagram but aren’t sure what it is? Do you ever find yourself wanting to understand yourself better, or maybe wanting to relate better to that neighbor that you never quite clicked with? Have you heard Pastor Melissa or other church people talking about the Enneagram and wished you could join in the conversation?
Consider joining this Wisdom & Wonder class series on the Enneagram, as we explore how this tool can be used to help us understand the unique ways in which God has made us and our neighbor, and how this can help us develop stronger community in the life of our church.
During this Sunday’s class, we will be discussing the basics of what the Enneagram is, how it works, and why it’s a useful tool for life and church.