Hiring a Director of Youth Outreach
This is a word cloud generated from your answers to Question 3
In early December, the Personnel Committee sent a congregational survey concerning thoughts about the priorities and responsibilities for a new member of the staff. Thanks to the 28 responses we received, we can present a summary of findings. They indicate the importance placed on following key priorities:
Focus on the nurturing of our youth and the youth of our community
Bring experience in designing and delivering youth ministry programs
The ministries who can most benefit from this position are Nurture and Growth and ESJ
Desired skills included: Listening, good communicator, tech savvy ability to collaborate, inclusive, a connector, understands community
Desired talents: Warm, creative, organized, patience, kind, humor, approachable, compassionate, openness, innovative, acceptance, open-minded, commitment to reaching out
Community is everywhere - our church, our borough, our Council of Churches, our respective hometowns and beyond
Our work ahead is strengthened by your thoughts and reflections. From them, we begin to envision a position that is rooted in the love of God, blessed with listening ears and communication skills benefiting from both technology and compassion, with the ability to shine a light on a deeper sense of community rooted in youth but extending to the needs of many. May it be so.
Click here to see the job description. Please feel free to share!
Pastor Melissa is sorting through potential candidates and will work with the Personnel Committee on discerning the right addition to Hopewell Presbyterian staff for the time ahead.
- Jamie Sapoch
Personnel Committee