Sanctuary Task force
As we seek to be good stewards of the bequest that we received from Alex and Eunice Sharipen, the Bequest Task force has convened another group to take a look at the needs of the HPC Sanctuary. That task force is chaired by Michael Mills and currently includes Ken Fredeen, Sandy Sherrard, Doug Peterson, and Katie Tonkin. The goal was to have voices connected to the Making Connections Campaign, the ministries of Facilities & Finance and Worship & Stewardship, as well as those who will help us look toward the congregation of the future.
Message from Doug Peterson
In December, at the recommendation of the Sharipen Bequest Task Force, and the approval of Session, a small group was called to form the Sanctuary Task Force. Michael Mills, Sandy Sherard, Katie Tonkin, Ken Fredeen, and I were charged with addressing the needs of the sanctuary in their fullness.
It was clear to me that I was asked to join this task force as a representative for the younger demographic. I agreed because I know the importance of envisioning what the church will look like decades down the line.
From the task force: We are beginning with a visioning process that will include a congregational survey. Your input is greatly needed as we consider everything from sight lines, to sound quality, to function and much more. This survey is to asses the sanctuary as it currently stands and get your written feedback to help us look toward future options.