Using the AViPAS AV-1362 Camera
About the camera
The AViPAS AV-1362 camera is primarily operated via remote control. The camera connects directly via USB. The camera has Pan/Tilt/Zoom functionality, or the ability to move, pivot, swivel, and dynamically adjust.
Controlling the camera
The four arrows in the center of the remote can be used to change the camera’s view.
The left and right buttons pan the camera left and right.
The up and down buttons tilt the camera up and down.
The zoom “+” and “-” buttons zoom in and out, respectively.
Programmed Presets
The remote control is the primary means to adjust the camera. The remote also includes programmable presets:
Preset one focuses on the pulpit.
Preset two is a wide view of the sanctuary.
Preset three focuses on the communion table.
Presets four through zero can be regularly altered.
To program a preset, press the camera button “one” (the row above the keypad) followed by “set” and the number of the preset you would like to program.
For more in-depth information, read the AV-1362 user manual.