
General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

New in the Library - October 2021

Thanks to donations, our church library continues to grow.  Among the new titles you will find some of the books recently used in group studies – Inspired and Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, If These Stones Could Talk  by Elaine Buck and Beverly Mills, and Jesus For Farmers and Fishers by Gary Paul Nabhan.  Over 40 other books were added from the libraries of members and “finds” at the rummage sale.

Whether you are looking for deeper understanding of a Bible passage, poems and writings to enhance your devotional time, guidance for raising your children, Christian fiction, or an inspirational biography, you will find it in the Church Library on the second floor of the education wing.  Books are arranged alphabetically in categories such as “Individual Christian Living”, “Bible Reference”, or “Healing”.  There is a card catalog to assist you.  A special section of children’s books is located on the second floor landing of the education wing.  Stop by with your child between Sunday School and church!

To sign out a book, write your name and the date on the card in the back of the book, and place the card in the file box on top of the card catalog.  If you would like help finding a particular book, or have donations or suggestions for new books, please contact Carlana Sargent.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Jesus for Farmers & Fishers Book Study


Join the Hopewell Council of Churches for a six-week book study on Gary Paul Nabhan's new book, "Jesus for Farmers & Fishers," to learn about food justice as we dive into Jesus' parables through an agricultural lens. We will meet at Chubby's on Mondays at 7PM, Oct 11 - Nov 22. Sign up here.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Hopewell Youth Collective Update


Greetings friends,

Throughout the summer I have had the opportunity to meet with many of the youth connected to the Hopewell Community and hear about what problems they see in the community and passions they have in their own lives. In these conversations I was also able to share with them some of the hopes and dreams for this Collective including the focus on it being a youth-led, youth organized platform for development, community engagement, mutual support, and spiritual growth. In sum, our hope for the Hopewell Youth Collective is that it will be a space that is safe for the youth in this community to serve, lead, and build relationships with one another. These conversations and relationships led to the identification of a few topics the youth in this community care about: racial justice, environmental justice, economic equality, and mental health. On September 14th, we had our first Hopewell Youth Collective interest meeting where any interested youth and their friends were invited to eat ice cream, begin to develop relationships with one another, ask questions, and share their ideas around these four topics and share additional topics they care about including the LGBTQ community. 14 youth came to this initial meeting held at Aunt Chubby’s where a majority shared an interest in serving in the inaugural HYC Youth Leadership Team. We laughed, met new friends, and shared excitement for next steps. These next steps will include a leadership specific meeting in order to have a designated leadership team for this year, a newsletter and a fall service project. Our next meeting will be next Tuesday at 7:30pm on October 5th to specifically discuss our fall service project. If you or a youth you know would be interested in jumping on board this exciting new opportunity in Hopewell, please don’t hesitate to reach out or join for our next meeting! 


Deborah Jodrey

Director of the Hopewell Youth Collective

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Volunteer at TASK

HPC would like to resume dining room prep work and meal service at TASK. If you are interested and available on Friday, September 24th from 9:30 AM -1:00 PM or would like more information, please contact Joanne Tonkin by email ( or phone / text (908-334-8324) by Tuesday, September 21st. Only six volunteers total are allowed per day. All volunteers must show proof of COVID vaccination.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Summer Session Updates

Session met in June, took a break in July, and resumed regular meetings again in August. As always, there has been much to discuss and much to decide.  Here is a short summary of what Session has been up to:

Finalized the new Ministry and Mission Structure for the church.  Much of the hard work on this was done by the ministries themselves and by our extraordinarily dedicated staff. Click here to learn more about this new structure and click here for a closer look at our new Generosity Ministry.

Approved the installation of a new expanded fence at the Manse.  This is now in place.

Continued to review and monitor the church health and safety policies for worship and use of our buildings. This has included approving protocols for resuming in-person choir rehearsals, establishing masking policies for the Rummage Sale, and endorsing revised protocols for our Boy Scout Troop.

Accepted two dedicated gifts, each of $10,000.  One will help provide special needs/benevolence support and the other is from Hillsborough Presbyterian Church and is for the work of the Hopewell Youth Collective.

Appointed Katie Rosensen as Children's Ministry Lead, which is a temporary role to help launch our Godly Play program and Sunday Morning Wisdom & Wonder for kids.

Adjusted Lucy Ducko’s terms of employment to make more money available for her retirement plan.

Authorized a donation of $3500 to our supported mission Friends for Health in Haiti, who are dealing with the aftermath of the severe earthquake and tropical storm there.

Heard an update from Michael Mills of the Sanctuary Task Force on the developing proposals to improve our worship space.

Session is also prayerfully seeking ways in which we can build trust with each other and the community, and how we can be a more invitational church.

Your Serving Elders are:

Bonnie Altieri (2024), Liz Blankstein (2022), Becky Ludeke (2024), Doug McCleery (2023), Barbara Pauley (2023), Molly Peterson (2023), Doug Robbins (2022), Sandy Sherrard (2024), Pat Swartz (2022). 

Moderator: Pastor Melissa Martin

Clerk of Session: Ian Burrow

Ian Burrow
Clerk of Session

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Generosity Committee

As we continue our mission to love like Jesus, the Generosity Ministry is a newly formed committee that has been charged by the Session to provide guidance in dispensing HPC funds to support our relationship with God as well as each other and the community. These relationships will be strengthened by focusing on being an “invitational” church.

The task of this committee is two fold:

  1. Recommendations will be made to the Session by this committee regarding the dispensing of the 11% tithe from the church income.

  2. It will also make recommendations regarding the distribution of monies from the Endowment Fund which was formed by the generous Sharipen gift.

Those serving on this committee are:

Pat Swartz (Session Rep)
Dick Scheetz (Deacon Rep)
Jamie Sapoch (Sharipen Task Force Rep)
Bev Mills
Joe Bevis
Ruth Mortensen

This is such a wonderful time in the life of our church to show are love to those in need with the generous financial resources we have been given. Sure to come up in our meetings over the course of the next months are our many mission partners. Organizations like: Friends for Health in Haiti, who needs help to provide health services, as countries such as Haiti are struggling having recently experienced an earthquake followed by a tropical storm. Citizens here in our own country depend upon others to provide food, clothing and shelter in times of disaster. The Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund lends a helping hand and needs assistance to do so. Many women suffer domestic violence and abuse and survive only because of organizations such as Womanspace. Those who suffer with mental illness are supported by the National Alliance on Mental Health.

There is so much help HPC can provide. We can put our mission to love like Jesus into action. This is truly an amazing moment in the life of our church!

Ruth Mortensen
Generosity Committee

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Hopewell Council of Churches VBS at Home: Compassion Camp

What’s Compassion Camp?

“Compassion Camp” is taking the place of this year’s traditional in-person “Vacation Bible School” by the Hopewell Council of Churches. Compassion Camp is an at-home/virtual camp designed to help us follow God and figure out what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world—even and especially in the midst of a pandemic as well as the racial and political tension in our country and world.

What does at-home/virtual camp actually entail?

While at-home/virtual learning is new to us too, the Hopewell Council of Churches is providing each family that signs up with two components:

  • Daily email: July 19-23 you will receive videos, PDFs of coloring sheets, and and example pictures of activities in your email inbox.

  • At-home-packet: For those who would like a binder with instructions and supply, we will deliver or mail a packet to you. (It will also include a few extra goodies!)

Both of these will contain…
Daily Story: Each day of will center around a story from the Bible. These stories will be told by the pastors of Hopewell. While there will be a video, sometimes it’s good to act stories out.  The daily story printout will include ways you can embody the story at home. These stories include: “The Prodigal Son,” the story of Ruth & Naomi, & Jesus healing the man who was paralyzed.

Daily Song Video:
Mr. Charlie will teach a song on each day of the week. You will get a video of each song in your email every morning. There is also sheet music available for those who want to learn the music as a family.

Compassion in Action Activities:
Compassion in Action actives help us think creatively about sharing compassion. These simple, small, tangible acts help us express God’s deep compassion for each other, ourselves, and the world. These activities include: making a centerpiece for your family table, sending mail to people who need love, and planting “seeds of change.”

Create & Play Activities:
Each day features a few craft opportunities, games, and coloring pages. These are designed to help us practice our compassion skills and have fun. Examples include, a “Feelings Matching Game,” daily prayer coloring sheets, instructions for a “kindness hug” made out of paper and string to send to someone who needs a reminder of God’s love.

Movement Activity
The daily email will include a video from Miss Barb who will take us through movement practices to help us connect our wiggly bodies, busy minds, and spirits to God. She will show us how to focus our breathing alongside some basic yoga poses to embody the themes of Compassion Camp.

Who is invited to join? While this camp is geared toward both preschool-aged children and K-5th graders, it is extremely flexible, adaptable, and fun for the entire family—maybe older siblings or even the “young-at-heart.” (All you need is a willing heart and a “family guide” who can read and navigate email.)

Open to all — not just the Hopewell Community!

Sign up here!

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Summer Book Study with Student Pastor Ryan

You are invited to join us for a Summer Book Study.  We will read and discuss “INSPIRED: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again” by Rachel Held Evans.

This Hybrid Zoom/In-person Book Group will meet on Tuesdays from 4-5 PM, starting July 20. If you are interested in this group, please contact the church office.

If you need help obtaining a copy of this book, don’t hesitate to reach out to the church office.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Restructuring Ministries

Striving to be a well of hope in Hopewell, Hopewell Presbyterian’s mission is to love like Jesus, building up our relationships with God, each other, and the community.
— HPC Mission Statement

In the last year, not only has Session led the congregation in considering the mission God has called us to, but Session has been thinking carefully about “how” we go about achieving that mission. Part of that is determining a “focus” action for each program year (the 2021-22 focus is coming soon!) and part of that is analyzing the ways our church is set up to help us achieve the mission.

As Session did this analysis we also took into account some feedback received from our ministries. Feedback like…

  • ‘Training new leaders and transitioning leadership with ministry committees can be difficult.’

  • ‘Sometimes we leave ministry work feeling burnt out.’

  • ‘We aren’t always sure what’s going on; communication could be better.’

On top of that, in this last year we have learned that there are a few areas where we want to dedicate more focus. These include:

  • Stewardship

  • Investment

  • Congregational/Community/Pastoral Care

  • Justice & Service

To respond to the feedback we received and to provide for the areas listed above, Session worked with Pastor Melissa to make two changes: 1) to provide resources for ministries to help them plan and communicate; 2) to change the ministries and their responsibilities to cover all the responsibilities listed above. The following is a “quick sheet” listing each of the ministries, their responsibilities, and a contact person (click the image for a downloadable PDF). For a summary of major changes, see below.

Changes include:

  • Splitting “Finances” from “Facilities,” making Financial Stewardship and Buildings & Grounds.

  • Putting Finance with Investments and Stewardship to make Financial Stewardship. Going forward this will be a ministry of people called by Session to serve 3 year terms.

  • Creating Generosity to oversee (1) mission giving and (2) dispersement of income from the investment made as a result of the Sharipen Bequest. Going forward this will be a ministry of people called by Session to serve 3 year terms.

  • Supporting the Deacons as they lead us in congregational and individual community care through more 1-on-1 care (much like Stephen Ministers) and through Benevolence/Special Needs Financial Support, etc.

  • Continuing the work of “Engaging in Justice & Service” as Justice & Service, to communicate and provide opportunities to share the love of God with our community.

As we move to this structure, everyone is encouraged to prayerfully consider if God is calling them to serve on one of the programming ministries. As we make these changes for the 2021-22 program year, the church leadership looks forward to your support in giving this new thing a try and your feedback.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Contribute a Book to the CCPS Library

Creative Connections Play School is hoping that the congregation would enjoy helping to build their library. They have some favorite authors and have compiled a list of titles by these authors that they do not yet own. See below for a complete list. To donate a book, contact Director, Liz Blankstein.

  1. Harold's Treasure Hunt by Crockett Johnson

  2. Will Spring Be Early or Will Spring Be Late by Crockett Johnson

  3. Time For Spring by Crockett Johnson

  4. A Picture For Harold's Room by Crockett Johnson

  5. Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt

  6. Scaredy Squirrel at Night by Melanie Watt

  7. Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party by Melanie Watt

  8. Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt

  9. Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson

  10. Bear's Loose Tooth by Karma Wilson

  11. Bear's New Friend by Karma Wilson

  12. Bear Sees Colors by Karma Wilson

  13. A Big Guy Took My Ball by Mo Willems

  14. Let's Go For a Drive by Mo Williams

  15. Waiting Is Not Easy by Mo Willems

This tree will be in the HPC office. When you choose your book, take your leaf so that you don’t forget your title!

This tree will be in the HPC office. When you choose your book, take your leaf so that you don’t forget your title!

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Welcome Ryan MacLean!

My name is Ryan MacLean and I am originally from Sacramento, California but moved to New Jersey last August with my wife Abigail to attend Princeton Theological Seminary. I have grown up in the PCUSA but have been blessed to spend significant time with friends from other Christian traditions. I have been involved in various ministries for most of my life, doing everything from leading white water river rafting trips at summer camp to working with low-income communities in a Christian community center, as well as traditional church ministry. I love the outdoors, bread baking, craft coffee, and Old Testament studies, so please feel free to ask me about any of those things or anything else that may come to mind. I am excited to get to know and be a part of the community of Hopewell Presbyterian Church and look forward to meeting you (virtually or in-person) soon!

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Rummage Sale!




DONATIONS:  September 12 - 15            SALE:  September 16 - 18

It's time once again to go through your closets for all that unwanted clutter.  We accept clean clothing in good condition, books, jewelry, toys, household items and small appliances in good working order.  We do NOT accept shoes, plastic cups and bottles with advertising logos, magazines, textbooks, encyclopedias, computer monitors, computers, typewriters, mattresses or large appliances.  Also, please start saving plastic and paper bags. 

NO LARGE FURNITURE WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have any questions regarding furniture or any other items, please call Carol Krystek (609)-577-8819 or Pat Swartz (609-651-6029).

DONATIONS may be dropped off at the church beginning Sunday, September 12 after 3:00 pm (no sooner, please!) through noon on Wednesday, September 15.  Please help out the sorters by bringing your clothing, toys and household items in separate bags or boxes.  Please note, when you bring in your donations, you will be responsible for dropping them off in the area that they will be sold (for example, toys in the toy room).   Volunteers will be there to help out those that need it. 

VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE!  Many volunteers are needed to make this sale a success every year. If you can't help during the week, please consider coming Sunday afternoon to set up clothes racks and tables, or sign up for Saturday afternoon after the sale to be part of the clean-up crew.  During the week we need people to make soups and desserts for our hard workers. Come Monday through Wednesday to help sort and arrange donations.  During the sale, we need baggers, checkers, and reorganizers -- and of course, shoppers too!  SIGNUP IN FELLOWSHIP HALL.

 Please consider getting involved in this important church wide event.  Spread the word in the community, at school, or work so that we will have lots of customers during the sale. 

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Session News and Actions, May 2021

Session met twice in the last month.  On May16th we met in the back yard of the manse to meet with seven individuals who wish to become active members of Hopewell Presbyterian Church.  Session voted enthusiastically to welcome Shari Adair, Joseph Bevis, Chris Cox, David Denito, Michele Immordino, Tori Paquette, David Reynolds as members.  David’s 5 year-old son Ricky is also welcomed as a baptized member.

The May 26th regular (or stated) meeting was held in the somewhat warm environment of the Choir Room, with everyone masked and distanced.

Providing for Worship in a Pandemic.

In response to the steadily improving situation, Session voted to modify worship protocols again.  On and after June 20th masks will still be required indoors for the time being. Indoor seating will be “self-selected” from the available rows.  Masked singing is permitted.  Other detailed changes were made to the outdoor service protocols and to the use policies for the buildings and staff.

Reorganizing our Ministries

Session continued the work of reorganizing our ministries, working on final details.  Full details will be provided when this is complete.

Caring for and Improving Our Facilities

·         Approved $28,500 to hire architect Eric Holterman of Holt Morgan Russell to produce concept, schematics design work, drawings and cost estimates for the sanctuary.

·         Approved $12,000 for a heat pump and air conditioning unit to cool the library, second floor choir room, and the large and small conference rooms on the first floor.


·         Met with confirmation candidate Josie Blankstein and her mentor Jennifer Megaffin.  Session heard and enthusiastically approved Josie’s faith statement and welcomed her as a full and active member of the church

·         Received and discussed the Report “HPC Young Adult Survey Results” prepared by Elder Molly Person and Doug Peterson.  This presents and analyses the results of a survey of 20 young-adults who grew up in HPC and were asked about their current t perceptions of faith, “Church”, and HPC. It has much to teach us.

·         Received and approved the slate of New Officers presented by the Nominating Committee.  These will be presented at the Annual Meeting on June 13th.

·         Recognized the service of Elders Stan Krystek. Dick Scheetz and Todd Sutton, who are rotating off Session.

·         Determined to increase the rent for our 86/88 West Broad Street properties.

·         Adopted a 2021-22 budget.

Staff for the Church’s Mission and Ministry

·         Approved the summer intern job description and approved hiring a summer intern at a cost of $1,350.

·         Approved a sick leave policy which conforms to NJ requirements.


Ian Burrow

Clerk of Session

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Welcome Deborah Jodrey!


Hello Hopewell friends! My name is Deborah Jodrey and I am so excited to be joining the Hopewell Presbyterian Church family and to begin working in the Hopewell community. My spouse Lindsey and I have lived in Hopewell with our three pups, Abbot, Belle, and Marvel for almost exactly one year. We moved here after I graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary and have loved taking walks with our pups through town and enjoying delicious food at Nomad Pizza and Aunt Chubby’s.

I love playing board games, music, and sports; watching the newest Marvel Universe movie and football; traveling into NYC for a musical; going on hikes; and spending time around a fire with friends and family.

I look forward to collaborating with Pastor Melissa and the other staff and leaders at HPC, and am excited to continue to care for and celebrate the youth and children who are such a vibrant part of this congregation.

I see my role in the faith formation of young people beginning by listening to young people themselves. I have already heard our young people in Hopewell articulate their desire for mental health support, relationships with a trustworthy adult s, and guidance as they navigate the pressures to achieve in school and their hope to make a difference in the community. For me, caring about the full person is vital, and faith formation begins by coming alongside each young person in the day-to-day and continues in the regular conversations that emerge, in the moments of rest and time off, and in the authentic relationships with one another, God, and the community.

When I was a teenager, I craved a space where I could bring my full self along with all my questions, doubts, and interests; a space where I was surrounding by peers that I counted on and an adult I could trust. As the Director of Youth Outreach, my hope is to cultivate a safe place where the young people in this community feel a sense of belonging, a place where they can fully be themselves—questions, answers, doubts and all—a place where they feel empowered, and a place where they feel cared for and supported. This will include a focus on developing relationships, nurturing spiritual practices and theological reflection, and creating meaningful opportunities to serve the community."

I am also really looking forward to getting to know the young people and families throughout Hopewell and to work with them to create the Hopewell Youth Collective—a space where we can ask questions about faith, find support, build relationships, serve the community, and have fun and laugh a little along the way.

Watch below to hear Josie B. interview Deborah. Click here to see Director of Youth Outreach Job Description.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Slate of New Officers

Session Class of 2024

Bonnie Altieri

Becky Ludeke

Sandy Sherrard

Deacons Class of 2024

Sue Armington

Laurie Bleickardt

Sherry Gesregan

Kathie Sutton

Deacon Class of 2022

Dick Scheetz

Nominating Committee Class of 2024

Lois Grieves

Special thanks to all those completing faithful service.

Elders: Stan Krystek, Dick Scheetz, and Todd Sutton

Deacons: Anne Hayton, Anne Scheier, Bev Mills, Ruth Mortensen, Haley Yingling and Paige Yingling

Nominating Committee: Sandy Ogg

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Congratulations to our 2021 Graduates!

Kate JacksonKate is graduating from Hopewell Valley Regional High School and will be attending Rutgers University Honors Program in the fall.  In High School she was a member of the National Honor Society, Leadership Corps, and lettered in Field Hockey and Track.  She has also serving her third year as the Commander of the US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol Twin Pines Squadron located at Mercer County Airport.  She leads a squadron of forty members ranging in age from 12 to 18 and has earned numerous awards and commendations.

Kate Jackson

Kate is graduating from Hopewell Valley Regional High School and will be attending Rutgers University Honors Program in the fall.  In High School she was a member of the National Honor Society, Leadership Corps, and lettered in Field Hockey and Track.  She has also serving her third year as the Commander of the US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol Twin Pines Squadron located at Mercer County Airport.  She leads a squadron of forty members ranging in age from 12 to 18 and has earned numerous awards and commendations.

Christopher RiceChristopher is graduating from Franklin High School in Somerset.  While there, he played the flute & piccolo in the Warriors Marching Band and Wind Ensemble, sang in the Madrigals and performed in numerous shows.  If forced to choose, his favorites would be West Side Story and Peter & the Starcatcher.  He enjoys playing guitar and hanging out with his friends and girlfriend Alannah.  He and Alannah started a business, which they hope to grow, making handpainted guitars.  He is looking forward to attending Centenary University in Hackettstown in the fall, majoring in Musical Theater & Education.  His ultimate dream is to perform on Broadway.  

Christopher Rice

Christopher is graduating from Franklin High School in Somerset.  While there, he played the flute & piccolo in the Warriors Marching Band and Wind Ensemble, sang in the Madrigals and performed in numerous shows.  If forced to choose, his favorites would be West Side Story and Peter & the Starcatcher.  He enjoys playing guitar and hanging out with his friends and girlfriend Alannah.  He and Alannah started a business, which they hope to grow, making handpainted guitars.  He is looking forward to attending Centenary University in Hackettstown in the fall, majoring in Musical Theater & Education.  His ultimate dream is to perform on Broadway.  

Haley YinglingHaley is graduating from Montgomery High School. She is a four year varsity swimmer and an Academic All American. Her favorite classes in high school have been chemistry and biology. Haley will be attending the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia in the fall and will likely major in science. She is very excited to begin this new chapter and also to continue her swimming career on their club swim team!

Haley Yingling

Haley is graduating from Montgomery High School. She is a four year varsity swimmer and an Academic All American. Her favorite classes in high school have been chemistry and biology. Haley will be attending the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia in the fall and will likely major in science. She is very excited to begin this new chapter and also to continue her swimming career on their club swim team!

Paige YinglingPaige is graduating from Montgomery High School and will be attending The College of William & Mary in the fall as a James Monroe Scholar. Over the past four years, she has participated in varsity swimming, cross country, and track. Paige earned the honors of Academic All-American, NJSIAA Scholar Athlete, and National Merit Commended Scholar. She will miss her athletic teams and her role as a deacon at HPC, but is excited to get involved in many activities at her new home in Virginia!

Paige Yingling

Paige is graduating from Montgomery High School and will be attending The College of William & Mary in the fall as a James Monroe Scholar. Over the past four years, she has participated in varsity swimming, cross country, and track. Paige earned the honors of Academic All-American, NJSIAA Scholar Athlete, and National Merit Commended Scholar. She will miss her athletic teams and her role as a deacon at HPC, but is excited to get involved in many activities at her new home in Virginia!

John Emerson OliverEmerson is graduating from Princeton Day School.  He is from Raleigh NC and has been living with grandmother, Lois Grieves for the past 2 non conventional school years. He's in New Jersey mainly to play ice hockey with the Mercer Chiefs and Princeton Day School. His Mom, Cindy was baptized in Hopewell Presbyterian Church in 1965 and married here 20 years later.  Emery will be attending NC State perusing a degree in engineering.  

John Emerson Oliver

Emerson is graduating from Princeton Day School. He is from Raleigh NC and has been living with grandmother, Lois Grieves for the past 2 non conventional school years. He's in New Jersey mainly to play ice hockey with the Mercer Chiefs and Princeton Day School. His Mom, Cindy was baptized in Hopewell Presbyterian Church in 1965 and married here 20 years later.  Emery will be attending NC State perusing a degree in engineering.  

Quinn ArdastraQuinn graduated cum laude with a B.A. from Davidson College. She will continue her education at UNC Chapel Hill starting in June to get a Masters in the Art of Teaching, specializing in elementary education. Quinn is pursuing a career as an elementary teacher.

Quinn Ardastra

Quinn graduated cum laude with a B.A. from Davidson College. She will continue her education at UNC Chapel Hill starting in June to get a Masters in the Art of Teaching, specializing in elementary education. Quinn is pursuing a career as an elementary teacher.

Emma McCleeryEmma graduated from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 7, 2021.  Emma graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences. Emma is continuing her graduate studies at Duquesne and is expected to earn her clinical doctorate in Occupational Therapy (DOT) in December 2022. 

Emma McCleery

Emma graduated from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 7, 2021.  Emma graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences. Emma is continuing her graduate studies at Duquesne and is expected to earn her clinical doctorate in Occupational Therapy (DOT) in December 2022. 

Lucas MorrealeLucas will be graduating from American University this May with a BA in political science and a minor in finance. After graduation he will be working for an investment firm in the DC area.

Lucas Morreale

Lucas will be graduating from American University this May with a BA in political science and a minor in finance. After graduation he will be working for an investment firm in the DC area.

Tyler KrampfTyler received his MBA in Business from Ithaca College in May 2021. He is very excited to begin his career this summer in New York City working for Granite Telecommunications.

Tyler Krampf

Tyler received his MBA in Business from Ithaca College in May 2021. He is very excited to begin his career this summer in New York City working for Granite Telecommunications.

Drew BennisonDrew graduated from the Pennsylvania State University on May 8th.  Drew graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Data Sciences with a minor in Political Science.  During his time at Penn State he served as an IST Diplomat for the College of Information Sciences and Technology to support student engagement. He was also a member of a Penn State Dance Marathon (THON) organization, Ayuda, which raises money for kids fighting childhood cancer. During his time with Ayuda he served three terms as Family Relations Chair, was selected as one of 706 dancers to stand for 46 hours in a no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon, and during his senior year helped Ayuda raise over $25,000 despite limited fundraising opportunities due to the pandemic. He is excited to be relocating to Indianapolis, Indiana in June to begin his career as an Advisory Associate with KPMG.

Drew Bennison

Drew graduated from the Pennsylvania State University on May 8th.  Drew graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Data Sciences with a minor in Political Science.  During his time at Penn State he served as an IST Diplomat for the College of Information Sciences and Technology to support student engagement. He was also a member of a Penn State Dance Marathon (THON) organization, Ayuda, which raises money for kids fighting childhood cancer. During his time with Ayuda he served three terms as Family Relations Chair, was selected as one of 706 dancers to stand for 46 hours in a no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon, and during his senior year helped Ayuda raise over $25,000 despite limited fundraising opportunities due to the pandemic. He is excited to be relocating to Indianapolis, Indiana in June to begin his career as an Advisory Associate with KPMG.

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General Lucy Ducko General Lucy Ducko

Get to know our 2021 New Members Class!

Dave ReynoldsAt present, Ricky and I are the only two in the house.  We are in the process of downsizing the family farm of 25 years and moving over to Ege Avenue which is a short walk from the church!  About me......I grew up in NJ and came home to become a practicing Ophthalmologist.  I joined the Princeton Eye Group nearly 30 years ago.  Ricky and I spend most summer weekends at our beach house in Bay Head. I have lots of hobbies which I enjoy but perhaps would like to share that I am deeply interested in preservation of the natural world.  I have spent much time working toward the preservation of land around Hopewell which I believe will help to maintain the balance with nature and the quality of life we all enjoy.  I will become a member at HPC by transfer from Nassau Pres.  Corrie Berg was the NPC staff member that recommended HPC based on her high regard for Pastor Melissa.  I'm not sure I have a "favorite" bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13 on the Gift of Love has always been an inspiration.  For me, it is all about Love and Kindness.

Dave Reynolds

At present, Ricky and I are the only two in the house.  We are in the process of downsizing the family farm of 25 years and moving over to Ege Avenue which is a short walk from the church!  About me......I grew up in NJ and came home to become a practicing Ophthalmologist.  I joined the Princeton Eye Group nearly 30 years ago.  Ricky and I spend most summer weekends at our beach house in Bay Head. I have lots of hobbies which I enjoy but perhaps would like to share that I am deeply interested in preservation of the natural world.  I have spent much time working toward the preservation of land around Hopewell which I believe will help to maintain the balance with nature and the quality of life we all enjoy.  I will become a member at HPC by transfer from Nassau Pres.  Corrie Berg was the NPC staff member that recommended HPC based on her high regard for Pastor Melissa.  I'm not sure I have a "favorite" bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13 on the Gift of Love has always been an inspiration.  For me, it is all about Love and Kindness.

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Michele Immordino

My name is Michele Immordino and I live in Hopewell Township with my husband Vince and my two college aged children, Julia and Matthew.  I am a school librarian at a small K-3 elementary school in Lawrence Township.  I have been there for 17 years.  I love teaching and literature and couldn't imagine having any other career.  I found Hopewell Presbyterian Church last year during Lent.  I was participating in the Soup and Study with the Hopewell Council of Churches and heard Pastor Melissa preach on the first night.  The second Wednesday we talked during dinner and the third Wednesday we talked again at Hopewell Presbyterian.  And then everything closed because of the pandemic.  Being at home gave me hours and hours of time to think and meditate about my spiritual life.  I reached out to Pastor Melissa with my thoughts and questions and she immediately got back to me.  We exchanged emails and talked outside and I met Barb Pauley and participated in a book club.  I realized that Hopewell Presbyterian was the kind of community I had been searching for.  I am so grateful that God sent me in this direction.  I don't really have a favorite Bible verse as I've never really read or studied the Bible.  I hope that will change as I grow and learn from everyone at HPC.  I feel so welcomed even though I have only been in the church twice:  once last March and once to give blood!  I'm looking forward to being together and meeting everyone that I have been seeing on zoom!  From what I can tell, this is a very special community.  

Tori PaquetteMy name is Tori Paquette, and I'm a first-year M.Div student at Princeton Theological Seminary. I found Hopewell Presbyterian Church as I was looking for a field education site and a new denominational home. I'm from New Hampshire, but lived in Maine for most of the last four years while getting my B.A. in Jewish Studies and Creative Writing from Colby College. I live in Princeton with my cat Margot. My favorite verse is Psalm 27:1: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

Tori Paquette

My name is Tori Paquette, and I'm a first-year M.Div student at Princeton Theological Seminary. I found Hopewell Presbyterian Church as I was looking for a field education site and a new denominational home. I'm from New Hampshire, but lived in Maine for most of the last four years while getting my B.A. in Jewish Studies and Creative Writing from Colby College. I live in Princeton with my cat Margot. My favorite verse is Psalm 27:1: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

Joseph BevisI am Joseph Bevis. I live in Titusville with my wife Veronica, my twin girls, Mia and Mackenzie, and our goldendoodle Milo Reymundo. We moved to Hopewell Valley three years ago from Burlington. We have found Hopewell to be a wonderful place to live, and I found the community at Hopewell Presbyterian Church to be very welcoming. I am a lawyer, and work for Selective Insurance. I looked the church up after living here for about two years, based on a memory of going to Hopewell Presbyterian Church to do youth group activities when I was a member of Dutch Neck Presbyterian as a teenager. I tried some other churches before finding Hopewell, but have felt the Spirit calling me here more than anywhere.  My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 27:46 – And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “E’li, E’li, la/ma sabach-thani?”, that is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Joseph Bevis

I am Joseph Bevis. I live in Titusville with my wife Veronica, my twin girls, Mia and Mackenzie, and our goldendoodle Milo Reymundo. We moved to Hopewell Valley three years ago from Burlington. We have found Hopewell to be a wonderful place to live, and I found the community at Hopewell Presbyterian Church to be very welcoming. I am a lawyer, and work for Selective Insurance. I looked the church up after living here for about two years, based on a memory of going to Hopewell Presbyterian Church to do youth group activities when I was a member of Dutch Neck Presbyterian as a teenager. I tried some other churches before finding Hopewell, but have felt the Spirit calling me here more than anywhere. My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 27:46 – And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “E’li, E’li, la/ma sabach-thani?”, that is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Chris CoxI found the Hopewell Presbyterian Church through the love of my life, Heidi Cox, and her amazing family. I grew up and was baptized in the First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown. I attended the First Baptist Church during my high school and college years. I attended Eastern Baptist my freshman year of college and later transferred and graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan. I was a teacher and educator for most of my career and now work for the Department of Education as the Director of STEM for the State of New Jersey. I enjoy sailing and spending as much time on the water as possible in the summer. I live with my amazing wife Heidi and our little dog Bella on Mt. Road in Ringoes. Our son Ricky currently resides in Sun Valley, Idaho and is home for a short vacation.  My favorite Bible verse is Luke 12:27-34.Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!  And do not keep striving for what you are to eat and what you are to drink, and do not keep worrying.  For it is the nations of the world that strive after all these things, and your Father knows that you need them.  Instead, strive for his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Chris Cox

I found the Hopewell Presbyterian Church through the love of my life, Heidi Cox, and her amazing family. I grew up and was baptized in the First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown. I attended the First Baptist Church during my high school and college years. I attended Eastern Baptist my freshman year of college and later transferred and graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan. I was a teacher and educator for most of my career and now work for the Department of Education as the Director of STEM for the State of New Jersey. I enjoy sailing and spending as much time on the water as possible in the summer. I live with my amazing wife Heidi and our little dog Bella on Mt. Road in Ringoes. Our son Ricky currently resides in Sun Valley, Idaho and is home for a short vacation. My favorite Bible verse is Luke 12:27-34.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!  And do not keep striving for what you are to eat and what you are to drink, and do not keep worrying.  For it is the nations of the world that strive after all these things, and your Father knows that you need them.  Instead, strive for his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Shari A. AdairThank you for welcoming me to your wonderful church family. My name is Shari and I am a professional Nanny, carer of children and their families. I live in Skillman with two wonderful housemates of which I am very grateful for. My main hobbies include children and family photography, counted-cross stitch and chasing Hot Air Balloons. I stumbled into HPC for the first time in summer of 2019, weeks prior to Pastor Melissa’s arrival. I felt at home as soon as I walked in, the love wrapped around me I have felt in only 2 prior churches in my life. I knew immediately that I was not going to leave this place. I am very grateful to be joining you all in this journey of Faith. I look forward to getting to know you all better as we take this Journey together. Proverbs 3: 5-6“Trust in the Lord with all your heart    and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him,    and he will make your paths straight.”

Shari A. Adair

Thank you for welcoming me to your wonderful church family. My name is Shari and I am a professional Nanny, carer of children and their families. I live in Skillman with two wonderful housemates of which I am very grateful for. My main hobbies include children and family photography, counted-cross stitch and chasing Hot Air Balloons. I stumbled into HPC for the first time in summer of 2019, weeks prior to Pastor Melissa’s arrival. I felt at home as soon as I walked in, the love wrapped around me I have felt in only 2 prior churches in my life. I knew immediately that I was not going to leave this place. I am very grateful to be joining you all in this journey of Faith. I look forward to getting to know you all better as we take this Journey together. 

Proverbs 3: 5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

    and he will make your paths straight.”

Dave DenitoI first decided to visit Hopewell Presbyterian Church because my parents were married here in 1928.  The wonderful people and pastor are what kept me coming back.  This church truly feels like a family.  After attending, my heart changed.  You really hear the word of the Lord and it has a calming effect.  My favorite scripture verse is John 14:6-7.  6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”Another special quote is “Do good for the people, don’t let evil blind it.  Look into Jesus’ eyes.  Walk with his pride, and at the end, when you take flight, you are guaranteed a spot in paradise.”

Dave Denito

I first decided to visit Hopewell Presbyterian Church because my parents were married here in 1928.  The wonderful people and pastor are what kept me coming back.  This church truly feels like a family.  After attending, my heart changed.  You really hear the word of the Lord and it has a calming effect.  My favorite scripture verse is John 14:6-7. 

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Another special quote is “Do good for the people, don’t let evil blind it.  Look into Jesus’ eyes.  Walk with his pride, and at the end, when you take flight, you are guaranteed a spot in paradise.”

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