Generosity Committee
As we continue our mission to love like Jesus, the Generosity Ministry is a newly formed committee that has been charged by the Session to provide guidance in dispensing HPC funds to support our relationship with God as well as each other and the community. These relationships will be strengthened by focusing on being an “invitational” church.
The task of this committee is two fold:
Recommendations will be made to the Session by this committee regarding the dispensing of the 11% tithe from the church income.
It will also make recommendations regarding the distribution of monies from the Endowment Fund which was formed by the generous Sharipen gift.
Those serving on this committee are:
Pat Swartz (Session Rep)
Dick Scheetz (Deacon Rep)
Jamie Sapoch (Sharipen Task Force Rep)
Bev Mills
Joe Bevis
Ruth Mortensen
This is such a wonderful time in the life of our church to show are love to those in need with the generous financial resources we have been given. Sure to come up in our meetings over the course of the next months are our many mission partners. Organizations like: Friends for Health in Haiti, who needs help to provide health services, as countries such as Haiti are struggling having recently experienced an earthquake followed by a tropical storm. Citizens here in our own country depend upon others to provide food, clothing and shelter in times of disaster. The Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund lends a helping hand and needs assistance to do so. Many women suffer domestic violence and abuse and survive only because of organizations such as Womanspace. Those who suffer with mental illness are supported by the National Alliance on Mental Health.
There is so much help HPC can provide. We can put our mission to love like Jesus into action. This is truly an amazing moment in the life of our church!
Ruth Mortensen
Generosity Committee