Summer Session Updates

Session met in June, took a break in July, and resumed regular meetings again in August. As always, there has been much to discuss and much to decide.  Here is a short summary of what Session has been up to:

Finalized the new Ministry and Mission Structure for the church.  Much of the hard work on this was done by the ministries themselves and by our extraordinarily dedicated staff. Click here to learn more about this new structure and click here for a closer look at our new Generosity Ministry.

Approved the installation of a new expanded fence at the Manse.  This is now in place.

Continued to review and monitor the church health and safety policies for worship and use of our buildings. This has included approving protocols for resuming in-person choir rehearsals, establishing masking policies for the Rummage Sale, and endorsing revised protocols for our Boy Scout Troop.

Accepted two dedicated gifts, each of $10,000.  One will help provide special needs/benevolence support and the other is from Hillsborough Presbyterian Church and is for the work of the Hopewell Youth Collective.

Appointed Katie Rosensen as Children's Ministry Lead, which is a temporary role to help launch our Godly Play program and Sunday Morning Wisdom & Wonder for kids.

Adjusted Lucy Ducko’s terms of employment to make more money available for her retirement plan.

Authorized a donation of $3500 to our supported mission Friends for Health in Haiti, who are dealing with the aftermath of the severe earthquake and tropical storm there.

Heard an update from Michael Mills of the Sanctuary Task Force on the developing proposals to improve our worship space.

Session is also prayerfully seeking ways in which we can build trust with each other and the community, and how we can be a more invitational church.

Your Serving Elders are:

Bonnie Altieri (2024), Liz Blankstein (2022), Becky Ludeke (2024), Doug McCleery (2023), Barbara Pauley (2023), Molly Peterson (2023), Doug Robbins (2022), Sandy Sherrard (2024), Pat Swartz (2022). 

Moderator: Pastor Melissa Martin

Clerk of Session: Ian Burrow

Ian Burrow
Clerk of Session


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