Stewardship Update
Hello HPC family. Your financial stewardship ministry wants to communicate with you on a regular basis in order to inspire your own stewardship ministry and to ensure that you understand how the church operates financially. We are stewards of God’s gifts individually and as a Body of Christ. We are told in 1Peter 4:10 that:
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
As we each determine what gifts God has blessed us with and how we might use them to serve others, the church as a whole also uses the gifts it receives to do the same. The Financial Stewardship Ministry is charged with overseeing the budget and investments, but it is the church session that ultimately decides how we use the tithes, offerings, and gifts the church receives. We thought you might like to know how the church’s budget is allocated; last year, the church spent its income (excluding those from bequests) in the following categories:
Personnel (Pastor, Office, Music Minister etc.) 64%
Nondiscretionary & Facilities (Utilities, Insurance, Repairs etc) 21%
Generosity (charitable giving) 11%
Miscellaneous 4%
Each year, the full budget is presented to the congregation in the printed annual report at the end of the fiscal year. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions. God has blessed us mightily! Thanks be to God.
Barbara Pauley
On behalf of the Financial Investment Ministry