Session News and Updates from the Clerk’s Corner: February-March 2022
It might be easy to get the impression that being a serving elder on our Session is no different from being on the board of (write the name of Your Favorite Non-Profit or Community Organization here). Yes, Session has to deal with a lot of matters related to our buildings and grounds, our staff, our finances, our membership, and so on. Not glamorous, but important.
But this isn’t the crucial part. Here is a reminder of what our Presbyterian Book of Order has to say:
The session shall have responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness.
Ruling Elders are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life.
These are serious responsibilities. How does Session seek to fulfill them?
A simple answer is through prayer. All meetings start and end with prayer, and we quite often stop for prayer at other points in the meetings (especially during difficult conversations!).
In addition to that, our current practice is to engage in a variety of discussions and contemplations early in the meeting. As you might expect, these are kept fresh and engaging and through the creativity of Pastor Melissa.
With that in mind, here are the highlights of the last couple of months. Session has:
Continued to review and update our practices in worship and in the building as the Pandemic remains with us. This has included the return of Fellowship Time after Sunday worship!
Approved the Baptism of Laura Skillman on June 19th (our first baptism since the start of the Pandemic!).
Approved communion on each Sunday in Lent.
Added additional people to our communion teams.
Approved the assignment of a seminary intern to lead Godly Play for the 2022-23 church year, with a budget line to support the position.
Continued to evaluate our new Ministry structure.
Received recommendations from the Sanctuary Task Force concerning the scope of the renovation project.
Discussed the challenges of mental health issues.
Voted to have our revised personnel policies reviewed by an outside legal consultant.
Voted to send $181,600 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the victims of the war in Ukraine.
Approved the payments of bills incurred in maintaining our buildings and grounds.
Ian Burrow
Clerk of Session