Creation Care - Foraging Forest (April 2nd)
We are so fortunate to call this region of NJ our home. Hopewell and surrounding areas are located within the Sourland Mountain region, a unique and beautiful ~90 Square mile area featuring interesting geology, rich forests, numerous streams and wetland areas, wildflowers, and a wide range of wildlife. As children of God, we are called to care for each other, and we are also called to cherish, protect, and restore this beautiful Earth, God’s creation, and gift to us all.
Creation Care is one of several areas of focus for the Engaging in Justice and Service Ministry of this church. In honor of Earth Day this month, this ministry partnered with the Sourland Conservancy, a local environmental advocacy group, to assist with ongoing land restoration work in a nearby special place, known as the foraging forest, within Hopewell Park. Some of you have been there before and generously contributed your time and energy during previous land stewardship efforts.
On April 2nd, another hardy group of 8 met here in Fellowship Hall and strolled over to the Foraging Forest during picture-perfect, early spring weather! We were met by Laurie Cleveland, Executive Director of the Sourland Conservancy and two of her knowledgeable land stewards to guide us in our tasks.
We became well acquainted with invasive Japanese honeysuckle, which can spread profusely and choke out native plants, if not kept in check. We successfully removed it (roots and all!) from rows of much more desirable and re-emerging native plants, such as strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. We also learned about an invasive insect, the Japanese mantis, which is larger than our native preying mantis, and which can kill native butterflies -and even hummingbirds!
We spotted & removed numerous egg cases of this invasive insect. Our Sourland Conservancy friends are extremely grateful for our past and ongoing land stewardship support. For this recent effort, a sincere thank-you to Ryan and Abigail Maclean, Joanne Tonkin, Doug and Carlana Sargent, Liz Blankstein, and my husband, Bob. If you want to learn more about this work, please feel free to speak with any of us, and keep an eye out for future similar opportunities -- Thanks!
Submitted by Anne Hayton