Session Highlights: January 2023
HPC Session and New Members
Session met twice in January. On January 22nd we were excited to receive an inspiring group of new members to Hopewell Presbyterian. These people bring a wonderful range of gifts, talents and perspectives to our community.
The regular (stated) meeting of January 25th as usual received reports from the many groups involved in the mission and vision of the church.
Session had to note with concern that our regular tithes and offerings continue to be well below what has been budgeted. Although giving in January, especially on-line, was good, Session is very aware that some decisions may need to be made in the near future in order to match our expenses to our giving receipts. We have tasked Finance and Stewardship with presenting recommendations for our next meeting. Session is confident that the Lord will generously provide, but our response must include us being good stewards of our resources.
As always, Session spent time in prayer and contemplation on this and other matters, and raised up members, friends and others in the community who are experiencing times of difficulty.
One of the people we seek to care for is Pastor Melissa. Since she became our pastor in 2019 she has steered this congregation through a time of unprecedented change, challenge and growth. The Covid pandemic (still somewhat with us) required radical and difficult rethinking about how to “do church”, and has accelerated wider cultural shifts. She has had the difficult task of helping us deal with the deaths of several people who were real “pillars of the church” and whose counsel is missed. Another challenge, albeit a joyous one, has been working out the church’s response to the unprecedented Sharipen Bequest. She has been instrumental in the establishment of the Hopewell Youth Collective, and in helping us decide to move forward with the sanctuary renovation project. We ask a lot of her. We receive even more in return.
In the light of these and the many other ways in which Pastor Melissa has so faithfully and energetically served this congregation, Session voted unanimously to grant Pastor Melissa a Sabbatical of eight weeks between June and August of 2023. The Office of the General Assembly recommends that sabbaticals be taken after six or seven years of service, but Pastor Melissa’s terms of call permit her sabbatical time to be accrued at two weeks per year. She is requesting the time for rest, prayer and contemplation, as well as to research and develop a book proposal on the “theology of divorce”. We are confident that HPC, with its strong tradition of effective lay leadership, will handle her absence with confidence, energy and focus. If you have questions or concerns please contact Ian Burrow or Elder Doug McCleery.
Session warmly endorsed a proposal to provide a service project on Sunday March 4th with Rise Against Hunger. This will be a meal packing experience in Fellowship Hall similar to the one we did a couple of years ago at Hopewell Elementary School, and requires adjustment to the time and duration of the worship service. The hope is to have around 60 volunteers assemble about 12,000 meals for distribution worldwide. HPC will cover the cost for these meals as a part of the mission budget. More details to follow, but mark your calendar now! This will be a joyful, inspiring and educational event for all.
There was discussion of several other important issues and initiatives at the Session meeting, but because of the volume of work these will be taken up again at the next meeting.
As always, feel free to reach out me, Pastor Melissa, or any of the Session: Bonnie Altieri, Chris Cox, Becky Ludeke, Doug McCleery, Ruth Mortensen, Molly Peterson and Sandy Sherrard.
Ian Burrow
Clerk of Session