Rise Against Hunger at HPC
In 2022, the Hopewell Council of Churches and the Hopewell Youth Collective partnered with Rise Against Hunger. We are excited to bring this mission meal packing opportunity to HPC for our “service” on March 5!
Join us! On Sunday, March 5th, Hopewell Presbyterian Church will host a Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event in Fellowship Hall. Rise Against Hunger is an international humanitarian organization that works to end hunger in communities across the world. To accommodate for this service project to be integrated into our regular “service” time, we will have a brief commissioning and communion from 9:30-10—and then will begin the service project at 10:30am!
We're so pleased and excited to host this event here at HPC. We hope you’ll join in this effort to provide nourishment, hope and sense of God’s love to people facing daily food insecurity. To participate, and obtain more information on what to expect, please register at: https://rah.secure.force.com/events/homepage?id=7013Z000002L4nn
Please note that you may sign up for one, or several, different volunteer "time slots" including: set-up, (8am - 9:30am), main meal packaging event, (10:30am - 12:30pm) and break-down (12:30 - 1pm). Although "walk-ins" can be accommodated, it's best for volunteers to use the registration link for planning purposes. Childcare will be provided between 9:30am - 12:30pm; more information will be forthcoming on this.
Hunger remains among the most pressing worldwide concerns, with an estimated 720 million people around the globe facing hunger each day. Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. With locations across the U.S. and five international offices, the organization provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities for years to come. Rise Against Hunger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 540 million meals to be distributed to countries around the world.
How do they do this? Rise Against Hunger provides 4 pathways of support:
Providing hands-on vocational training for improved local food production methods, such as micro-agriculture and other small farming methods.
Supplying nutritious meals to families, schools, and communities
Responding to emergencies by delivering food and other supplies to areas facing the aftermath of a crisis
Spreading the word and growing the movement of communities helping communities by engaging with partners like us, from around the world, to support other communities facing food insecurity and hunger.
Hopewell Presbyterian Church continues to support local efforts in our area to alleviate hunger and food insecurity through our ongoing contributions to local food pantries and partnerships with the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and the Chubby’s Project.
Through this upcoming March 5th Rise Against Hunger event, we can make a positive impact on those facing hunger elsewhere in our world. Places such as Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Philippines, Uganda, Somalia, South Africa, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. In the coming months, Rise Against Hunger will notify us as to where the meals we've packaged have been delivered.
Please reach out to Anne Hayton with any questions. Thank-You!
Rise Against Hunger Mission Statement: “Rise Against Hunger is driven by the vision of a world without hunger. Our mission is to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable and creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.”