Sanctuary Taskforce Round Table Presentations

At the heart of our shared life together is worship. The Presbyterian Book of Order explains this saying, “Worship of the triune God is the center of our common life and our primary way of witness to the faith, hope, and love we have in Jesus Christ” (W-1.0107). As a congregation, we have the great privilege of thinking about how we will continue to steward a sanctuary where this happens on a weekly basis.

Scope and Background of Project

After a year of hard work, prayer, study, conversation, education (and a little more prayer), the Sanctuary Task Force (Michael Mills, Sandy Sherrard, Kathie Sutton, Ken Fredeen, Doug Peterson, and Pastor Melissa) and the folks from HMR Architects (Julie Kroon & Eric Holterman), presented a feasibility study and concept design to Session. Session voted to move forward to the next step and hire HMR Architects to conduct this project.

This plan is based on your feedback. Click here to see what we learned from you all in the survey conducted this fall. In sum, the areas we addressed based on your feedback are as follows: sanctuary layout and seating, overall lighting, A/V screen, sound upgrades, side windows, front window (e.g., the need for shading, etc.), finishes (including everything from cushions and carpeting to chancel furniture) and storage.

This plan does not have every last decision perfectly mapped out—in fact in multiple circumstances it contains “options” because the task force and the architects recognize both the importance of continuing to engage the congregation and community in conversation and the need to assess the changes as they are made. For example, updating the lighting or modifying the windows may impact the specifications for A/V and technology (and vice versa). Session's approval of this feasibility study is approval to continue forward in the direction described by the Task Force and our architects.

The direction of this design hinges around the mandate session gave the Task Force: to explore changes and updates to the HPC sanctuary that would not only serve the current congregation but that would provide for those who will worship here 30 years from now. To help understand what that might look like, the Task Force explored trends in the worship styles of youth and young adults, discovering that for 20-40 year olds…

  • Contemplation outranks performance.

  • Simplicity, accessibility, and sustainability are key values.

These values parallel some of the values that our congregation currently has when it comes to our worship space. At an adult education class in September, participants were asked to rank the following values when it came to the design and use of the sanctuary space.

Those values were: flexibility, tradition, sustainability, future financial implications, present financial implications, theological aesthetic, and accessibility and function. Together we learned that HPC’s top three values were:

  1. Accessibility & Function: By this we mean the importance of providing for folks of different ages, abilities, and circumstances to see/hear/move/use the space.

  2. Theological Aesthetic The PCUSA defines this as “a space that is set apart for worship should encourage community and open us to reverence for God. It is not to be an escape from the world but a place for encountering the God of all creation who gathers us in and sends us out.”

  3. Flexibility By this we mean that this space will serve both the present congregation and the congregation of the future. As we can’t perfectly predict the needs of the future congregation, flexibility should be “built” into the design.

Sign Up to Learn More

We are so excited to show you how these things are taking form in the design process. These round table presentations will take place on March 6 & 8 with the following formats and times. This presentation is an overview of the work completed by the Sanctuary Taskforce and supported by Session. It will include time for questions and at the end there will be opportunity to submit written feedback. We are hoping for an equal distribution of people (approximately 25) at each of these events, so please use the button below to sign up.

  • Sunday, March 6 - 3-4pm (ZOOM)

  • Sunday, March 6 - 4:30-5:30 (In person) - This is scheduled so that those who go on the “Hike for Mike” can come to the church after if they would like.

  • Tuesday, March 8 -7-8pm (In person)

You will also have opportunity to sign up on Sunday after church.

Pastor Melissa
Michael Mills
Sandy Sherrard
Kathie Sutton
Ken Fredeen


Join us at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse - May 21st


Sanctuary Survey Results