Sanctuary Survey Results
The following is some of the information that helped inform the feasibility study and concept design conducted by the Sanctuary Task Force and HMR Architects. It is broken down by our original “areas of concern.”
Chancel Configuration
Other Issues
What one or two changes to the sanctuary would have the most significant impact on improving your overall worship experience?
Improved sound system and comfortable seating.
Raise chancel area above level of pews and remove the two closets in front of the sanctuary.
I feel lighting could be improved and that the use of technology through improved audio visual tools would enhance the worship experience for me and everyone in the sanctuary. My desire is that for those who do find the sanctuary environment distracting or challenging in some attributes that those areas can be addressed for improvement. Lowering those distractions.
Screens in the front of the church for the scriptures and songs.
Cushions for all.
While the stained glass window is important to the chancel, the lighting contrast needs to be fixed.
Reduce the clutter upfront.
A redesign of the chancel area with other enhancements in lighting, sound, and AV would not just improve worship experience, it would be transformative.
It's good for me just the way it is.
I’m good as is. I worry that too much emphasis is being put on changes that might or might not bring new members. Our best outreach tool on Sunday morning comes from our pastor and our people.
Different types of seating throughout the sanctuary so that everyone’s needs can be met and it doesn’t limit them from sitting with others or wherever they would like (handicap seating in various locations, pews and padded chairs mixed, all cushioned pews, etc.)
The people and Pastor are the important and at this time I feel we have that.
HVAC that works well in winter and summer.
I would love if Charlie's piano was raised so we could see him play better. I would love a larger cross.
Making sanctuary brighter with more access to visuals (e.g., through projections) with enhanced sound system. Would also love a quiet chapel space for drop-in prayer time.
Adding permanent video and enhanced audio capabilities.
Reduce the ‘glare’ factor from the stained glass window. Address the differences in the ‘sound levels’ (from front to back of the sanctuary) regarding people speaking and music.
Rethinking the layout of the space and having chairs and/or movable pews.
More flexibility in adjusting the lighting
Fix the lighting from the windows in the front so I can see the pastor; worship leaders faces.
I’m a visual learner, so making our space match what we believe will help reinforce what we are doing in worship.
As much as I LOVE seeing the stained glass window at the front of the sanctuary (that was mainly out of view before the last major renovation in the sanctuary), its true that on bright sunny mornings it can provide a glare around the front of the church. I wonder if there is a way to preserve it in place but diminish early morning glare. I believe its only a problem on sunny days in the morning....
Audio for hearing impaired
Cushions on all pews, sound system.
I love the pews.
More contemporary feel.
Reconfiguring the chancel area; raising it, removing closet and steps, making the praise band area less of an eyesore.
Being able to see the choir and the pulpit more easily.
Simplicity of design helps me better focus my attention on the movement of the Spirit.
Removing the pews and using chairs in different configurations to enhance/support connections during variety of worship services.
Improve the overall lighting in the sanctuary. There is a dark aspect to the sanctuary due to lack of lighting, dark pews, and inadequate natural lighting coming in through the stained glass windows.
Making it more flexible for a variety of uses and taking advantage of different forms of media.