Major Session Actions
January - February 2021
Approved the 2020 Statistical Report for PCUSA. Membership stands at 188. Weekly attendance averaged for 2020 is approximately 65.
Approved appointment of the Bryn Mawr Trust as the Investment Management Company for the Sharipen Bequest.
Approved the investment policy for the Sharipen Bequest.
Appointed the following for the period January 1st -May 31st 2021: Ian Burrow, Clerk of Session; Doug Robbins, Treasurer; Stan Krystek, President of the Corporation.
Adopted the Mission Statement: “Striving to be a well of hope, Hopewell Presbyterian Church’s Mission is to love like Jesus, building up our relationships with God, one another, and our community”.
Established a Committee on Mission & Outreach Giving, to begin work on or before June 1, 2021.
Authorized the expenditure of up to $100,000 for the renovation of the large stained-glass window and the east end of the sanctuary, and for the replacement of the second-floor windows in the Education Wing.
Began the process of re-visioning and restructuring our ministry committees.
Continued to review and adjust the Building Use Policy to reflect the developing situation with COVID 19.
Authorized the use of the sanctuary for up to 20 people for Sunday worship, subject to established social-distancing, mask-wearing and sanitization policies. Effective February 24th.
Established a policy of using compostable dishes, cups, and utensils.