Eastertide Book Group
Looking for a book group on Zoom? In-person?
After Easter, Nurture and Growth is transitioning it’s curriculum and book studies to focus on our understandings of faith and the church, specifically by inviting the whole congregation to read Rachel Held Evans’ Searching for Sunday. Describing the sacraments, this book describes the way that Held Evan’s had to wrestle with the church. Reflecting on how important this analysis is, Jen Megaffin shared this quote from the book: “Try as I may, I can’t be a Christian on my own. I need a community. I need the church.” Jen and Josie B. (this year’s confirmand!) have been using this book to help guide their conversations together.
Describing the book, Josie writes:
Rachel Held Evans is an incredible writer! Jen and I are both able to relate to her in a lot of ways, and I bet most of our congregants will relate to her faith story too. This book addresses the not-so-perfect parts of Christianity, and Rachel opens up to her readers about her doubts and taking long breaks from church. So many people continue to attend churches that they don't like and I'm sure her books, this one especially, have helped people see the light of Christ and his miracles, as opposed to the subtle darkness of the church. While God created us, we aren’t perfect, so when a bunch of God’s people gather together, it isn't going to be perfect. Reading about Rachel's experiences remind us that everyone has doubts about the church, and the thing to remember is that you have to find a community to worship with.”
The Zoom Book Group will meet on Mondays from 5-6pm, starting April 12. If you are interested in this group, please contact the church office.
The In-person Book Group will meet on Tuesdays from 4:15-5:15, starting April 13. To comply with gathering guidelines are only 8 slots available for this group. If you are interested, contact the church office. THIS GROUP IS CURRENTLY FULL.
If you need help obtaining a copy of this book, don’t hesitate to reach out to the church office.
This is the reading plan
April 12/13: Baptism pp. ix-xviii, 9-40
April 19/20: Confession pp. 43-94
April 26/27: Holy Orders pp. 97-117
May 3/4: Communion pp. 121-157
May 10/11: Confirmation pp. 161-199
May 17/18: Anointing the Sick pp. 203-233
May 24/25: Marriage pp. 237-258