Tours of Hopewell’s “Presbyterian Triangle”

Did you know that there are no fewer than five buildings on Broad and Louellen Streets with historical connections to Hopewell Presbyterian Church?  The oldest one dates to before the American Revolution, and one is a school built in 1855! Our church buildings themselves are of various dates: 1914, 1935-40, 1952, 1968, and 2012.  Come and explore all this on an outdoor  tour with Ian Burrow on October 4th 2020.

Socially distanced tours will begin at either 1:30 or 2:30. Each group will be limited to 10 people. Click here to sign up. You will be prompted to note your availability and you will receive an email confirming your time by October 1st.


Formation of Sharipen Bequest Task Force


Community Book Group