Formation of Sharipen Bequest Task Force
“To whom much is given, much will be required.”
- Luke 12:48
As Session seeks to steward the gift made by Alex and Eunice Sharipen, they are excited to invite a task force to assist them in this work by providing recommendations. The task force is made up of six individuals from the congregation (only one of whom currently serves on Session). These individuals have been called by Session because they see the following qualities in them: they are invested in the congregation and community, they have demonstrated an openness to the work of the Spirit, they have strong impulse toward prayer, and they have insight and general appreciation for conversations about policy.
Those who have been asked and accepted, with specific responsibilities noted, are: Co-Chairs, Dick Beatty and Cathy Peterson and members Scott Megaffin (Spiritual Guide), Jamie Sapoch (Secretary), Tim Sutton (Deacon Liaison) and Pat Swartz (Session Liaison). The taskforce is particularly encouraged that Cathy’s experience on staff will bring both insight and perspective to our work. In addition to these individuals, Pastor Melissa and Doug Robbins (Treasurer) are members of the group ex officio.
The task force has already met twice in meetings that have been guided by discernment, prayer and some initial decision-making. Session has provided them with guiding principles that reflect the spirit of the Sharipen’s gift intention:
Growing God’s mission in our community
Inspiring Generosity
Discerning through Prayer
The members will rely deeply on these guidelines to frame the important work ahead. An expectation is for their work to continue well into 2021. During that time, members of the task force will bring updates to the congregation during our worship time and through other timely communications.
Be assured that the members are approaching this task with an abundant sense of love, respect, encouragement, and discernment. Please keep them in prayer as they undertake an awesome responsibility for our church and our community.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”