Praise Band & Choir

Labor Day means different things to different people - for me it means
it's time to put the Choir and the Praise Team back to work!  After some
time off in the summer months, we regroup every year on the first
Thursday after Labor Day - September 10th this year.  We will be working
on developing our musical skills, learning new music, and revisiting old
favorites.  We also plan on exploring further the potential of virtual
choir videos, after a successful first try last June with "Seek Ye

And we always have room to welcome more singers and players into our
ranks.  You don't need to be an expert musician, you just need to love
music and come with an open mind and heart!

We are currently meeting by Zoom, with the Praise Team meeting from 6:00
PM to 7:00 PM, followed by the Choir from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  You can
find the Zoom link on the calendar at our church website:

And please reach out to me if you have any questions -
Charlie Ashton
Minister of Music


Wisdom, Wonder & Youth Group


Fall Focus