Stained Glass Window & Stewarship Update
Submitted by Scott Megaffin
A two-part message and update of Stewardship and the impact gifts can have on Hopewell Presbyterian Church.
As many know HPC was the recipient of a very generous gift from Eunice and Alex Sharipen. The love that Eunice and Alex held for our church was fractionally reflected in their gift, but perhaps even more so in their desire to provide an enduring impact on the Hopewell Community.
The main sanctuary window is just one example of how their financial gift is being utilized to support the mission of HPC. As the accompanying pictures illustrate; age, weather and insects had an effect on the window. The timing of God’s grace and the gift from Eunice and Alex has provided HPC the opportunity to work with Epiphany Studios to restore the window and bring back the brilliance it represents to the HPC Sanctuary.
The Epiphany team of window restorers removed the original window, transported it to Maryland to their shop and fully resorted both the lead structures that hold the stained glass, but also the lead and framing which comprise the window itself.
This is a meticulous process of first tracing the window, matching the glass colors and then reapplying the lead so that the glass is securely fitted. They have also removed the wood frame and are currently reconstructing the framing with construction grade mahogany. Epiphany is also matching the trim work so that it is exactly like the original design. They ordered custom wood carving tools and have cut and crafted each piece of the new trim to the same design as before.
The window is targeted for re-installation before Thanksgiving of this year.
Wise people have said that our goal as followers of Christ is NOT to know every detail of the future. Instead, OUR GOAL is to hold the hand of the One who does; and NEVER, EVER let go!
On Sunday, Melissa preached from First Kings, the story of Solomon. He lived a life wholly for God and a life tragically fragmented by divided love.
As the son of David, Solomon understood that his love of the Lord, if to prosper must find application in the ways in which he led his people. So he undertook the building the Temple in a way so that it would secure their prosperity in God’s kingdom. As Solomon pursued the Lord in his statecraft, he found successes without precedent. He was a very prolific and successful king.
As I shared on Sunday morning, Jennifer and I discussed my message. She encouraged me to “keep it short and simple” - - to which I replied, “what do you recommend?”
She said, “God loves a cheerful giver” – which was obviously sage advice.
“The Solomon Principle” is described as one of “Joy and Productivity”, interpreted as being cheerful. Solomon could have chosen anything he wanted – courage, strength, even more money, or fame, in his relationship with Good.
Solomon chose to request an understanding heart.
Similar to Solomon, we need not know every detail of the future, yet through giving of our time, talent and treasure; while listening, learning and growing our UNDERSTANDING HEARTS.
We can, together, here at HPC – support the ministries of the present and the future.
Give generously. Give freely. As we grow in Love for Him.
In doing so, we are provided the opportunity to reach up and take hold of the HAND of the One that knows the future.