Pastor’s Pen
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
We are coming to the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall. The end of things is an excellent time to look back and reflect. One way that people of faith do reflection is through the spiritual practice of “examen.” The most popular form of an examine is the Ignatiun Examen, but back in January, Cathy Peterson introduced me and the Session to another examen from the book “Seven Sacred Pauses” by Macrina Wiederkehr. Over the course of the next three weeks, I encourage you to consider some questions from this examen as the summer draws to a close:
Have I been a good memory in anyone’s summer this year?
Have the ears of my heart opened to the voice of God?
Have the ears of my heart opened to the needs of my siblings?
What do I know, but live as though I do not know?
Have I shut myself off to the blessings of this summer?
Is there anyone, including myself, whom I need to forgive?
When did I experience my heart opening wide this summer?
What is the one thing in my life that is standing on tiptoe crying,
“May I have your attention please?” What needs my attention?
Not only is it important for us to do this sort of reflection as individuals, but it is important for us to share these reflections in community. Over the course of the next three weeks, the Worship and Stewardship Ministry (with the help of three wonderful lay preachers), will be leading worship that reflects on the question: How has my faith grown this summer? Worship for these three weeks will take place over ZOOM, and there will be space for you to share your reflections with one another.
While you reflect, I will also be taking some time away for reflection and rest. The first week I am away I will be doing some continuing education through the Presbyterian Board of Pensions and then I will be traveling to Michigan and Indiana for some backpacking and my brother’s wedding. While I am away, if you have a pastoral need, you can reach out to your deacon or elder or Lucy. I have also set up pastoral coverage with Rev. Laura Steele & Rev. William Stell, and Lucy will contact them as needed. In the event that there is a major emergency, Lucy will be able to get in contact with me.
As I look forward to this time and reflect on this summer both with and apart from you the words of a prayer of blessing (also written by Macrina Wiederkehr) come to mind:
“May you breathe in the beauty of summer with it’s power of transformation. May this beauty permeate all that feels unbeautiful in you.
May the God of summer give us beauty.
May you seek and find spaces of repose during these summer months [now weeks]. May these moments refresh and restore the tired places within you.
May the God of summer give us rest.
May you feel the energy of summer rains penetrating thirsty gardens, golf courses, lawns, and farmlands. May these rains remind you that your inner thirst needs quenching. May our inner self be refreshed, restored, and renewed.
May the God of summer give us what we need for healing.”
(Excerpted from Joyce Rupp & Macrina Widerkehr’s The Circle of Life)
As you examine and reflect on this summer, may God give you the beauty, rest, and healing needed to continue on our journey together this fall.
Prayerfully yours,
Pastor Melissa