Mental Healh Worship & Wonder
While it’s still cold and we are still masked up, we will be hosting Worship and Wonder after worship on Sundays (11:45-12:30). This is an opportunity for conversation, connection, and education. For the month of February, our learning will focus on Mental Health and Faith. Nurture and Growth has chosen this topic because it is one of the missional foci identified by the Justice & Service Ministry for the 2021-22 program year.
2/6 - Mental Health in the Bible - Michael Paul Cartledge II (Ph.D. Candidate at PTS)
2/13 - FAITHfully Caring for Mental Health - Rev. Miriam Diephouse-McMillan (Chaplain at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital)
2/20 - Reflections on Mental Health & Faith - Student Pastor Ryan
2/27 - Intergenerational Service Activity supporting Mental Health - Student Pastor Ryan & Katie Rosenson