Lunch & Learn: Mission Focus

Last year, we sent out a survey to help identify what areas we wanted to focus on. As the Session looks ahead to this next year, we are hoping for your help on this again: should we focus on the same three? Replace one? Choose three new ones? To get your input, we are hosting a mission focus inquiry and resource analysis. This workshop is built off of the principles of “asset based community development.”

Asset Based Community Development is an approach to sustainable, community-driven development that identifies and builds upon the strengths and gifts already present within a community. Rather than focusing on what’s missing (a needs-based approach), asset mapping identifies and builds upon the latent knowledge, resources, and relationships within a community.  

This Asset Mapping Workshop will provide practical tools to imagine new opportunities and uncover the already-present passion, gifts, skills, and resources necessary to build ministries sustainably. Building upon and connecting these strengths, this workshop empowers groups to imaginatively discern their next most faithful steps.

We will be guided through this process by Pastor Melissa and Emily Wilkes, a representative from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance—an arm of the PCUSA we have partnered with to support national and international mission work. Emily facilitates connections between refugee and immigrant-led groups and Presbyterian partners to create opportunities for mutual support, learning, and organizing. She advises on best practices in forming ministries that center refugee and immigrant voices in a way that honors their experiences and perspectives. Emily is available for site visits to build relationships, learn about program needs, public policy concerns, and opportunities for collaboration.

This event will take place on July 17 from 12-1:30. A light lunch will be provided. The goal of this event is to identify 5-6 potential options which will then be narrowed down by the Session at their retreat the following week.


Summer Session Update


Garden of Grace Update