Advent Daily Emails
With fall fast arriving can the season of Advent be far behind? Now comes the season of great anticipation with the celebration of God’s incredible gift of grace.
Although COVID has indeed had an impact on our church schedule and church programs, we continue to find new ways to celebrate the seasons of our faith as well as our faith itself. In the past many of you have participated and contributed to the creation of an Advent Booklet which included Scripture references along with personal commentaries that were then shared to use during the Advent Season.
This year the Worship and Stewardship Ministry, with Pastor Melissa’s guidance, has decided to do something similar, but instead of creating an Advent booklet we will be sending out a daily email message during the Advent season.
This is where each one of you come in.
As we think about our individual places in God’s Story we would like you to:
- Think about a favorite character you have from the Christmas story.
- Then we invite you to share that character’s role on your own personal journey. The story you share could be paired
with or guided by
a favorite passage of Scripture,
a favorite Christmas song,
a favorite image/painting
any other expression you wish to use that shows how your Christmas character impacted your own story.
Or even a favorite remembrance from a past HPC Christmas
This year Advent begins on Sunday, November 29, 2020 and we would love to hear how you see yourself fitting in the story of Jesus birth. Please contact Dick Scheetz (609-737-2310 or ) if would like to know more.
We look forward to your contributions which can be sent to Lucy Ducko; Contributions should be submitted by Monday, November 16.