Generosity Update
The Wednesday Bible Study gathered outside to stand in solidarity and extend that support through prayer.
Through the guidance of the Generosity Ministry and Session, HPC is giving $181,600 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to provide support for the people of Ukraine.
As people of faith we show our Christian love to the innocent people of Ukraine who have been devastated and overcome by physical forces greater than themselves. Our faith calls us to demonstrate our love through our actions that provide a force of love--a greater force than the evil we see raining down on these courageous Ukrainian people.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is a program of the Presbyterian Church USA that helps congregations to witness the healing love of Christ by caring for people who have experienced catastrophic events. It helps Presbyteries and Synods provide assistance by identifying strategic partnerships with international groups to ensure help gets to those in need. Pertaining to support for the people of Ukraine, PDA writes:
"We are grateful for the outpouring of prayers and calls from congregations and individuals asking how they can help. As the violence continues, the number of people being displaced internally and fleeing to neighboring countries increases by the day. In the midst of the chaos, we have sibling churches and ecumenical partners who are already providing assistance with basic items for survival. Our first priority as PDA is to provide funding to these partners on the ground.... supporting established partners who have the knowledge and expertise to carry out this important work.
... PDA anticipates that our response will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead.... Initial funds are also being used for emergency humanitarian aid such as food items, shelter, medicines, diapers, hygiene items, etc."
This gift is the largest donation HPC has made to a specific humanitarian cause. The money is predominantly an 11% "tithe" that comes from the most recent distribution of the Sharipen estate. This $181,600 is a combination of the $179,589.26 from the second and current distribution, plus $2,000 from the first principal totaling $181,589.26. To round the amount to an even number, $10.74 was added from HPC’s monthly tithes and offerings.
- Ruth Mortenson, Generosity Ministry