Coming to Lunch & Learn in February - What Does It Mean to Be Presbyterian?

Led by Andy Hall

Week 1 (Feb. 11): Presbyterian Confessions

What does it mean to be grounded in a centuries-old tradition of Reformed faith while also remaining open to the new movement of the Holy Spirit? In this class, we'll look at a few ancient and modern expressions of Christian faith found in our Book of Confessions, and ask what it means to follow Jesus in a Presbyterian way.

Week 2 (Feb. 18): Presbyterian Worship

Why does a Presbyterian worship service proceed the way it does? What is a sacrament, and how many of them are there? What does it mean to be a worshipping community in the Zoom era? We'll look for answers to these and other Presbyterian worship questions in the PC(USA) Book of Order?

Week 3 (Feb. 25): Presbyterian Polity

How do Presbyterians make decisions? Who gets to decide what? How does the local congregation and session connect to the presbytery, synod, and General Assembly? And how is the Presbyterian system designed to function in times of church conflict, division, or impropriety? Our Book of Order will provide some insights about what it means to be a connectional church.


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